Courier postfix Virtual Email System

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Basic data

Current  version CpVES 0.10.1
(September 14, 2008)
operating system Linux / Unix
category Administration tool
License GPL
German speaking No

Courier postfix Virtual Email System , or CpVES for short , is a web application for the administration of mail servers . The software is based on PHP and MySQL .

Supported Platforms

All common Linux distributions such as Debian Linux, SuSE Linux, Red Hat Linux, Fedora and FreeBSD are supported.

System requirements

System requirements are an Apache web server, a Postfix Mail Transfer Agent, PHP 4.x / 5.x, MySQL 4 or 5, Courier , SpamAssassin , Amavisd-New , ClamAV and Bogofilter .

Group role concept

The CpVES web interface knows four different groups: normal user (level 1), administrator of a domain (level 2), superadmin for creating new domains (level 3) and superadmin manager for creating new superadmins.

Special features of CpVES

The autoresponder does not send any automatic responder emails to postmasters, mailer daemons or senders of recognized spam mails. An autotimer ensures that the autoresponder is switched off automatically. The recipient lists for the autoresponder can be defined.

Installation help

The wiki of the CpVES project contains a detailed description of the configuration of the software. The starting point is a Linux server with Debian Sarge or Debian Etch.

Web links