Court Tomb by Moyad

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Different forms of court tombs

The Court Tomb of Moyad (known locally as Rush's Cove) is located in the townland of the same name ( Irish Magh Fhada ) north of Kilkeel in County Down in Northern Ireland . Court Tombs are among the megalithic chamber tombs ( English chambered tombs ) of the British Isles . With around 400 specimens, they are found almost exclusively in Ulster in the north of Ireland or in Northern Ireland.

The remnants of this north-south oriented court tomb mainly consist of the gallery, which is divided into three chambers. The gallery is about 9.5 m long and 2.0 m wide. The northernmost chamber is smaller than the other two. The gallery is made of granite blocks , many of which were split before construction. These stones can be clearly seen in the side walls of the chambers, where the dividing surfaces point inwards. Pairs of columns divide the gallery. A field wall near the south end covers the remains of a forecourt. The Court Tomb is in a small thorn bush and many boulders lie east of the gallery.

The Court Tomb of Dunnaman is to the west and the Portal Tomb of Kilkeel is in Kilkeel.


  • Frances Lynch: Megalithic Tombs and Long Barrows in Britain (= Shire Archeology. 73). Shire Publications, Princes Risborough 1997, ISBN 0-7478-0341-2 .
  • Elizabeth Shee Twohig: Irish Megalithic Tombs (= Shire Archeology. 63). Shire Publications, Princes Risborough 1990, ISBN 0-7478-0094-4 .

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