Craig Kinsley

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Craig Howard Kinsley (born January 30, 1954 in California , United States ) is an American psychologist. He teaches as a professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Richmond . He has made a name for himself beyond specialist circles by proving that maternal behavior is not controlled by instincts , but by hormones and social learning .

life and work

Kinsley studied Experimental Psychology at California State University, Sonoma , and received his PhD from SUNY Albany . He spent the following four years as a post-doctoral fellow in neuroscience and neuroendocrinology at Harvard Medical School .

His areas of research and interests include neurobiology and neurochemistry , which are subject to the social behavior of animals, especially the consequences of reproductive experience (pregnancy, breastfeeding and dealing with the offspring) on ​​the parental brain.


Articles (selection)

  • mit KG Lambert: The maternal brain: Pregnancy and motherhood change the structure of the female mammal's brain, making mothers attentive to their young and better at caring for them . Scientific American, Volume 294, Jan 2006, pp. 72-79.
  • mit KG Lambert: Reproduction-induced neuroplasticity: Natural behavioral and neuronal alterations associated with the production and care of offspring . Journal of Neuroendocrinology, Volume 20, 2008, pp. 515-525.
  • with KG Lambert: The neuroeconomics of motherhood: The costs and benefits of maternal investment . In RS Bridges (ed.): The neurobiology of the parental brain , New York, NY: Academic Press, 2008, pp. 481-492
  • with M. Bardi, K. Karelina, B. Rima, L. Christon, J. Friedenberg, G. Griffin: Motherhood induces and maintains behavioral and neural plasticity across the lifespan in the rat . Kinsley, CH, Bardi, M., Karelina, K., Rima, B., L., Friedenberg, J., & Griffin, G. (2008). Archives of Sexual Behavior, Volume 37, 2008, pp. 43-56
  • with G. Gonzalez-Mariscal: From indifference to ardor: The onset, maintenance and meaning of the maternal brain . In: DW Pfaff u. a. (Eds.): Hormones, brain and behavior , Volume 1, San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2nd Edition 2009, pp. 109-136
  • with EA Meyer: The construction of the maternal brain . Behavioral Neuroscience, Volume 124, 2010, pp. 710-714.
  • with EA Meyer and KA Rafferty: Sex steroid hormones: their effects beyond reproduction . Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry (Hot Topic), Volume 12, 2012, pp. 1063-1070. ( PMID 22924484 )
  • with I. Silva and KC Freeman: Mothers, minds and maternal responses . Journal of Women's Health, Volume 21, 2012, pp. 1024-1027. ( PMID 22931543 )
  • with I. Silva and KC Freeman: The parents of neuroscience and the neuroscience of parents . Estudios Biologica (Biological Studies), Volume 34, 2012, pp. 113-127.
  • with KG Lambert: Brain and behavioral modifications that accompany the onset of motherhood . Parenting: Science and Practice, Volume 12, 2012, pp. 74-88
  • with EA Meyer: Maternal Mentality: Pregnancy and childbirth shape a woman's mental makeover. His brain, her brain . Scientific American Mind, Volume 21, 2012, pp. 79-83

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