Cresente Paez

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Cresente C. Paez is a Filipino politician from the Cooperative NATCCO Party ( Coop-NATCCO ) who has been a member of the House of Representatives since 2009 . In his professional and political career he is particularly committed to the development of the cooperatives in the Philippines and is therefore nicknamed "Mr. Coop ".


Professional career and cooperative functionary

After attending school, Paez completed a degree in agricultural science at the University of Southern Mindanao , which he graduated in 1969 with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSA). After other activities, he became an employee at the Cooperative Development Center for Visayas VITCO on January 15, 1973 , where he was an instructor for more than ten years, before he was Executive Director of VITCO from January 1, 1985 to February 15, 1990 .

During the tenure of President Corazon Aquino , Paez served briefly as Assistant Secretary of the Department of Agrarian Reform from February 15 to June 30, 1990, and was subsequently from July 1, 1990 to June 30, 2002 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the organization for the development of human resources in rural areas PHILDHRRA ( Philippine Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas ). Most recently he was Chief Executive Officer of the National Confederation of Cooperatives NATCCO ( National Confederation of Cooperatives ) from September 22, 2002 to February 28, 2009 . In addition, he temporarily served as CEO of the NEC Multi-Purpose Cooperative and the Cooperative Bank of Camarines Norte .

Member of the House of Representatives and candidacy for the Senate

On February 28, 2009, Paez became a member of the House of Representatives for the first time as a representative of the Cooperative NATCCO Party (Coop-NATCCO) and has been a member of it ever since. In the elections of May 10, 2010 , he was elected after Jose Ping-ay on the party list of Coop-NATCCO, which received 944,864 votes (3.22 percent) and could thus have two MPs. In the elections on May 13, 2013, he was re-elected as the top candidate of the Coop-NATCCO party list, which this time received 642,005 votes (2.32 percent) and with him and Antonio Bravo again had two MPs. In the current, 2013-2016 permanent 16th Parliament he is the chairman of the parliamentary committee for the development of cooperatives ( Committee for Cooperatives Development ). This is responsible for all matters that are directly and fundamentally concerned with cooperatives and cooperative movements and organizations. It also deals with urban or rural loans, consumers, producers, marketing, services and other cooperative purposes. The committee is also responsible for electricity cooperatives within the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA ) and the implementation and amendment of the Cooperative Code of the Philippines .

Since Paez has reached the maximum consecutive eligibility of nine years, he will not be allowed to run again in the upcoming elections on May 9, 2016 , and will therefore leave the House of Representatives. Instead, he is applying for one of the twelve new seats to be elected in the 24-member Senate . He stands for Coop-NATCCO in the electoral alliance "Coalition of the Straight Path" ( Koalisyon ng Daang Matuwid ), which supports the presidential candidacy of Mar Roxas and the vice-presidential candidacy of Leni Robredo .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. House Committee for Cooperatives Development on the homepage of the House of Representatives (page accessed on April 13, 2016)
  2. Paez, Ambolodto complete LP senatorial lineup . In: CNN Philippines of October 12, 2015