Cristovão Falcão

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Cristovão Falcão also known as Cristovão de Sousa (* around 1515 or 1518 in Portalegre , Portugal ; † around 1553 or 1557 ) was a Portuguese poet of the Renaissance .


Cristovão Falcão was the son of João Falcão, the governor of El Mina , Ghana . He was of noble descent. He toured Italy and spent five years in prison. Between 1545 and 1547 he was governor of Arguin on the coast of Africa . In 1553 he married. He died between 1553 and 1557, the exact place of death is not known.


His most important work, the “ Crisfalcollection of eulogies , was published between 1543 and 1546 and, along with the eulogies by Bernardim Ribeiro, is one of the most beautiful Portuguese Renaissance poems . His book was translated into Italian in Ferrara in 1554 and even printed in German in Cologne in 1559.

  • Crisfal, Eclogas, 1543 ate 1546.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History of the book trade