Cross-channel conception

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Cross-channel conception and cross-channeling are synonymous terms in media marketing to designate the properties of products or services that are marketed via various media, telecommunications or institutional channels. The concept links at least two of these channels for service creation and marketing in order to use the advantages of the different channels without being tied to the disadvantages of the individual channel usage.

For example, the telephone (first channel) can supplement the mono-directional equipment of television (second channel) and thus enable communication between the presenter and viewer in the context of a program.

Cross-channel concepts are therefore often used by TV broadcasters in the context of TV formats. Broadcasters that use cross-channel concepts extensively are, in particular, RTL in the format Deutschland sucht den Superstar , Super RTL under the Toggo brand or ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG with the Red Nose Day promotion .


Cross-channel strategies

Cross-channel concepts are used to pursue different strategies. At the start of a format, the concept can be used for advertising and to build awareness of the format brand and thus the brand value. In the following phases of the product life cycle , the concept mainly pursues the goal of exploiting revenues from the advertising market ( B2B ) more effectively and thus achieving higher profits. After the start of broadcasting, the concept can also be used in the B2C area to generate revenue from viewers.

Brand building and brand maintenance

TV formats must be made known quickly and with a wide reach. The brand building must therefore take place faster than is necessary for other products. Combinations of different media channels offer the possibility to penetrate the market deeply and in a short time, because the combination of several advertising channels increases the conscious awareness of campaigns. See also crossmedia .

Evaluation in the business-to-business area

Television broadcasters use cross-channel concepts not only for their own advertising. The improved effectiveness of combined channels can also be sold to advertisers, resulting in higher revenues than more regular TV commercials. The major broadcasters use their web portals or collaborations with magazines, for example, to generate additional income from design and implementation. See also cross media .

Evaluation in the business-to-consumer area

The integration of telecommunication and institutional channels enables the broadcasters to generate revenue with viewers. The broadcasters are in an excellent position to create added value for viewers with cross-channel concepts. On the one hand, they have strong brands whose potential they can ideally expand to other channels. On the other hand, coordination by a TV broadcaster makes sense, as the broad reach of the program can be directed to the other channels for specific target groups.


  • Eggert, Dominik: Cross-Channel Concepts for TV Formats , Working Paper of the Institute for Broadcasting Economics at the University of Cologne, Cologne 2006, ISBN 3-938933-12-7 Click