Cryptocephalus ocellatus

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Cryptocephalus ocellatus
Beetles mating

Beetles mating

Family : Leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae)
Subfamily : Fall Beetle (Cryptocephalinae)
Tribe : Cryptocephalini
Genre : Cryptocephalus
Subgenus : Burlinius
Type : Cryptocephalus ocellatus
Scientific name
Cryptocephalus ocellatus
Drapiez , 1819

Cryptocephalus ocellatus is a beetle from the family of the beetle and the subfamily of cryptocephalinae (Cryptocephalinae). Within the species-rich genus Cryptocephalus , Cryptocephalus ocellatus is assigned tothe subgenus Burlinius .

Characteristics of the beetle

The beetles have a body length of 3–4 mm. The wing covers , pronotum and head are shiny black. Fine rows of dots run over the wing covers. On the frons are two characteristic for the type yellow spots. The beetles are also yellow at the base of the antennae . The basal antennae are colored yellow-brown, while the apical segments are black. The legs of the beetles are yellow-brown except for the mostly darker tarsi .


The distribution area of Cryptocephalus ocellatus extends in the Palearctic from Western Europe to Siberia and Kazakhstan. The species is widespread in Central Europe. In the north their occurrence extends to Denmark and the Baltic States , in the south to the Mediterranean area. The species is not represented in the British Isles .

Way of life

The beetles are usually seen from May to August. Typical habitats are forest edges and hedges. The beetles are usually found on their forage plants: birch ( Betula ), hazel ( Corylus ) and alder ( Alnus ) as well as hawthorn ( Crataegus ).


The following synonym can also be found in the literature :

  • Cryptocephalus geminus Gyllenhal , 1827

In addition to the nominate form Cryptocephalus ocellatus ocellatus Drapiez , 1819 there is the subspecies Cryptocephalus ocellatus ochropezus Suffrian , 1853. Its occurrence extends over the island of Sicily .


The name addition ocellatus is derived from Latin : ocellus means "little eye". This refers to the two yellow spots on the forehead.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Heinz Freude, Karl Wilhelm Harde, Gustav Adolf Lohse (ed.): Die Käfer Mitteleuropas . tape 9 . Cerambycidae Chrysomelidae . Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-8274-0683-8 , pp. 141 (first edition: Goecke & Evers, Krefeld 1966).
  2. a b Arved Lompe: Burlinius - determination table . Retrieved December 27, 2018.
  3. a b c d Cryptocephalus flavipes in Fauna Europaea. Retrieved December 27, 2018
  4. a b Cryptocephalus ocellatus . Retrieved December 27, 2018.

Web links

Commons : Cryptocephalus ocellatus  - Collection of images, videos and audio files