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The Damenisation was a tone syllable system developed by Carl Heinrich Graun around the middle of the 18th century, which was supposed to replace the solmisation .


Graun, who became famous as an opera composer and conductor, but was also an important singer and singing teacher, assigned the following syllables to the root tones (ascending from c to c):

da, me, ni, po, tu, la, be, da

If the root tones were raised by a semitone , their initial consonants were given the appendix a flat; the tone f sharp was called pas , the tone c sharp that . If the root tones were lowered by a semitone, their initial consonants were given the appendix es; the tone b was called bes, the tone es nes . The tonal syllable system comprised all the vowels of the alphabet, which were supposed to be used for voice training, and some important consonants of the German language to promote speaking culture. The fact that the consonant pairs b and p, d and t are in need “in most of the provinces of Germany” and that the Graunian ladiesization is particularly suitable for this can still be read in the Encyclopedia of the Entire Musical Sciences (1838). In Meyer's Large Konversations-Lexikon (1902–1908) it only said that Graun believed that his proposal was “doing something useful”. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (1989) finally pointed out that the euphony of the Graun syllables in some keys was not too pronounced; the A-flat major scale upwards read something like this:

les, bes, da, mes, nes, po, tu, les

The Damenisation was only temporarily successful, especially among Graun's student groups. As an "absolute" and completely chromatized tone syllable system, it can be regarded as the forerunner of Eitz's tone word .

Web links

  • Herder's Conversations Lexicon . Freiburg im Breisgau 1854, Volume 2, p. 272. Keyword Damenisation . Looked up at zeno.org .

Individual evidence

  1. Gustav Schilling: Encyclopedia of the Entire Musical Sciences: Or Universal Lexicon of Tonkunst . tape 6 . FH Köhler, Stuttgart 1838, p. 413 ( p. 413 in Google Book Search).
  2. Solmisation . In: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon . 6th edition. Volume 18, Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1909, pp.  581–582 .
  3. ^ Stanley Sadie (ed.): The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Macmillan, London 1989. Keyword “Damenization”.