Daniel Auguste Rosenstiehl

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Daniel Auguste Rosenstiehl (born July 5, 1839 in Strasbourg , † March 1916 ) was an Alsatian chemist .

After becoming a Dr. it. sc. doctorate was, he was in 1858 chemical laboratory at the Faculty of Science in Strasbourg. In 1865 he became professor of chemistry at the École Profess. and at the École Supérieure in Mulhouse . In 1877 he became director of a paint factory in Paris and professor of applied chemistry at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers .

He did research on osmosis and studied polymerizations . Together with Antony Guyard , he demonstrated that aniline black does not require a metal or fixing salt to develop black. From October 1875 he conducted research independently from Heinrich Caro at Alizarin -Orange, but unable to construct a production process and left in May 1877, the further development Caro. He had produced nitroalizarin, from which Prudhomme obtained alizarin blue in 1877 by adding sulfuric acid.

At the Paris World Exhibition in 1900 he was awarded a gold medal.


  • Traité de la couleur au point de vue physique ; Paris, H. Dunod & E. Pinat, 1913

Individual evidence

  1. Zeno.org: Aniline Black .
  2. Carsten Reinhardt: Heinrich Caro and the Creation of Modern Chemical Industry in the Google book search.
  3. Ludwig Darmstaedter (ed.): Handbook for the history of natural sciences and technology . 2nd Edition. Springer, Berlin 1908, p. 730-739 ( online [PDF; 2.8 MB ]).