Daniel Bennequin

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Daniel Bennequin (born January 3, 1952 ) is a French mathematician.

life and work

Bennequin attended the Lycée Condorcet and studied from 1972 at the École normal supérieure . He received his doctorate in 1982 under Alain Chenciner at the University of Paris VII (Doctorat d´Etat, Entrelacements et équations de Pfaff ). He was a professor at the University of Strasbourg and then at the University of Paris VII (Institut Mathématique de Jussieu).

With his dissertation, in which he provided the first example of an exotic contact structure in (that is, not isomorphic to the standard structure), he made important contributions to contact geometry and was one of the founders of contact topology in the 1980s (with Yakov Eliashberg ). In his dissertation he also introduced a new knot invariant for Legendre knots in contact manifolds (Thurston-Bennequin number or invariant, sometimes only named after Bennequin and not additionally named after William Thurston ).

He was a Bourbaki member.

Bennequin also dealt with neuroscience, for example movement planning. With Michèle Porte he also dealt with philosophical and psychological questions.


  • L'instanton gordien, d'après PB Kronheimer et TS Mrowka , Séminaire Bourbaki No. 770, 1992/93, numdam
  • Monopôles de Seiberg-Witten et conjecture de Thom, d'après Kronheimer, Mrowka et Witten , Séminaire Bourbaki No. 807, 1995/96, numdam
  • Caustique mystique, d'après Arnold et al. , Séminaire Bourbaki, No. 634, 1984/85, numdam
  • Problèmes elliptiques, surfaces de Riemann et structures symplectiques, d'après M. Gromov , Séminaire Bourbaki, No. 657, 1985/86, numdam
  • Topologie symplectique, convexité holomorphe et structures de contact, d'après Y. Eliashberg, D. Mc Duff et al , Séminaire Boubaki, No. 725, 1989/90, numdam
  • Dualités de champs et de cordes, d'après t'Hooft, Polyakov, Witten et al. , Séminaire Bourbaki, No. 899, 2001/02, numdam
  • Les Bords des revêtements ramifiés des surfaces , ENS 1977


  • Adrien Douady : Noeuds et structures de contact en dimension 3, d'après Daniel Bennequin , Seminaire Bourbaki 604, 1982/83, numdam

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Published in Astérisque, Volume 107/108, 1983, 87–161
  2. Daniel Bennequin in the Mathematics Genealogy Project (English)Template: MathGenealogyProject / Maintenance / id used
  3. Thurston-Bennequin number in Knot Atlas
  4. Maurice Mashaal Bourbaki , AMS 2006, p. 17, the members are quoted at a meeting in 1995
  5. Appendix Le non-être homologique zu Porte Pulsions et politique: une relecture de l'événement psychique collectif à partir de l'oeuvre de Freud , Paris, L´Harmattan 1997
  6. Michèle Bompard-Porte, Daniel Bennequin, Christian Michel: Méduse médite ...: Vagabondages parmi la mythologie grecque: les femmes, l'intelligence, les monstres , L'Harmattan 2013
  7. ^ Bennequin Questions de physique galoisienne , in Michèle Porte (editor): Passions des formes. À René Thom . Ecole Normale Supérieure de Fontenay-St Cloud, 2002