Alain Chenciner

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Alain Chenciner (born October 23, 1943 in Villeneuve-sur-Lot ) is a French mathematician who deals with dynamic systems with applications in celestial mechanics .

Alain Chenciner, Oberwolfach 2011

Chenciner studied from 1963 to 1965 at the École polytechnique and from 1966 researched for the CNRS (Attachée de Recherche) at the École polytechnique (at the Center de Mathématiques founded by Laurent Schwartz ). In 1971 he received his doctorate from the University of Paris-South in Orsay under Jean Cerf and was then Maitre de conferences (lecturer) there. From 1973 he held the same position at the University of Paris VII (Denis Diderot), from 1975 at the University of Nice and from 1978 again at the University of Paris VII, where he became professor in 1981. In 2012 he retired.

Chenciner initially dealt with differential topology and its application to dynamic systems in the successor of Stephen Smale and with singularity theory. Later he turned to mathematical problems of celestial mechanics (restricted three -body problem, N-body problem ) and examined bifurcations at elliptical fixed points of dynamic systems.

With Jacques Laskar , he founded the Astronomy and Dynamic Systems research group at the Paris Observatory in 1992 . He is a fellow of the American Mathematical Society . In 2002 he was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Beijing (Action minimizing solutions of the Newtonian n-body problem: from homology to symmetry).

Daniel Bennequin is one of his PhD students .


  • Editor with others: Celestial Mechanics, dedicated to Donald Saari for his 60th birthday, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society 2002
  • Courbes Algébriques Planes, Springer Verlag 2007
  • Three Body Problem, Scholarpedia

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Whereby he was also examined by Henri Cartan , Laurent Schwartz and René Thom
  2. ^ Mathematics Genealogy Project