Daniel Magnus Gronau

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Daniel Magnus Gronau (* around 1685, probably in Insterburg ; † February 2, 1747 in Danzig ) was a German church musician.


Gronau's origins and training are in the dark. From 1717 he is recorded as organist in Danzig. Here he was on the small organ in the St. Anne's Chapel from 1717 to 1719 , on the small organ of the Katharinenkirche from 1719 to 1724 , on the choir organ of the Marienkirche from 1724 to 1730 and from 1730 until his death on the large organ of the Johanniskirche active.

Gronau composed songs, preludes and more than 500 fugues in the style of the north German organ school . Because of their extensive registration instructions, his chorale variations are an important source for organ playing in the 18th century. The manuscript, two volumes with chorale variations over about 100 chorales, was considered lost since 1945 until a microfilm made in 1981 was discovered in the Newberry Library in 2012 , which made a complete edition possible for the first time.



  • Gronau, Daniel Magnus. In: Rudolf Vierhaus (Ed.): German Biographical Encyclopedia. Volume 4, de Gruyter / Saur, Berlin 2006, ISBN 978-3-11094654-3 , p. 168.
  • Martin Rost, Krzysztof Urbaniak: The registration rules of Daniel Magnus Gronau's Choral Variations for Organ: a source for the interpretation of the north German organ music of the 18th century. Baltic Organ Center Stralsund, Kraków / Unum / Stralsund 2013, ISBN 978-83-7643-098-0 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Information on the edition on the Ortus music publisher's website