Daniel Strähler

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Daniel Strähler (born February 21, 1690 in Halle (Saale) ; † October 15, 1750 there ) was a German mathematician and philosopher.


The son of the salt maker Martin Strähler had gone through the schools and university of his hometown. He had studied with Christian Wolff , earned a master's degree , held lectures and had become a lecturer at the philosophical faculty. At that time he became one of Wolff's first opponents when he published a pamphlet against him in 1723 under the title: Examination of the sensible thoughts of Hofrat Wolff about God, the world and the soul of people, including all things in general, in which the Lord Autori's conclusions are examined, the inaccuracy of the latter is shown, the errors of which are exposed, and the metaphysical, at the same time the moral truths connected with them are placed in a greater light. (2 pieces Jena 1723).

These were the reason for years of internal disputes at the University of Halle, because Strähler established himself at the university. He became associate professor of philosophy and mathematics on December 5, 1723 and full professor on May 29, 1733. Strähler also took part in the organizational tasks of the University of Halle and was prorector of the Alma Mater in 1744/45 . His last lifetime was marked by health restrictions. He was paralyzed on one side due to a stroke and could no longer do his job. Strähler married Marie Oertel on June 25, 1710. From this marriage two daughters were born.


  1. Disputationes IV. De existentia die atque creatione ex nihilo, ex contingentia in mundo, totius mundi, atque elementorum indole demonstrata. Hall 1723
  2. de sensu stque usu principii rationis sufficientis succinta commentatio. Hall 1727
  3. Comparison of the so-called necessary answer. Hall 1727
  4. Polymathia Matheseos, seu hujus in reliquum universae eruditionis ambitum in fluxus. Hall 1735
  5. Know of the proposition, of the possible desire of evil, as far as it is evil, and the possible abhorrence of the good. In: Hallischen advertisements. 1736
  6. Answer to the replique of May 26, 1736 about the question whether Wolff, § 573 of his Metaphysic, derive the moral doctrine from the necessitate physica.
  7. Necessary rescue of the matter of an unnamed author, presumable and of Mr. Reg. Rath Wolffens own answer also of Mr. D. Langens abbreviated outline of the dangerousness of the Wolffischen philosophy, undertaken, with a historical preliminary report and brief appendix from the Wertheimische Bibel-Werck as a fruit of the Wolffian philosophy. 1737
  8. Harmonia per influxum stabilita. 1737
  9. Scienttia rationis, sive Logica demonstrata analytice et systematice elaborata. Hall 1739.


  • Strähler, Daniel. In: Johann Heinrich Zedler : Large complete universal lexicon of all sciences and arts . Volume 40, Leipzig 1744, columns 482-484.
  • Wilhelm Schrader: History of the Friedrichs University in Halle. Ferdinand Dümmlers Verlagbuchhandlung , Berlin 1894, Vol. 1, uni-halle.de (PDF; 1.9 MB)
  • Johann Christoph von Dreyhaupt : Pagus Neletizi et Nudzici, or detailed diplomatic-historical description of the former primacy and Ertz-Stifft, but now secularized by the Duchy of Magdeburg, which belongs to the Duchy of Magdeburg, and of all the cities, palaces, offices, Manors, aristocratic families, churches, monasteries, parishes and villages, especially the cities of Halle, Neumarckt, Glaucha, Wettin, Löbegün, Cönnern and Alsleben; From Actis publicis and credible ... news, collected diligently, reinforced with many unprinted documents, adorned with copperplate engravings and abstracts, and provided with the necessary registers. Emanuel Schneider, Hall 1749/50. Vol. 2. P. 729, Item 593 [1]
  • Johann Friedrich Stiebritz: Johann Christoph von Dreyhaupt: Pagus Neletizi et Nudzici, or detailed diplomatic-historical description of the former Primat and Ertz-Stifft, ... (continued) Verlag des orphanage, Halle 1773 ( Google book search )

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