Daniele Capezzone

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Daniele Capezzone (2013)

Daniele Capezzone (born September 8, 1972 in Rome ) is an Italian journalist and politician . He was chairman of the Radicali Italiani from 2001-06 and vice-chairman of the Conservatori e Riformisti from 2015-17 .


Capezzone studied law at the private university LUISS in Rome, but dropped out in 1997 to devote himself to politics. At the time, he had been involved in the radical libertarian movement for four years , and he was also an activist for the environmental protection organization Legambiente .

When the radicals organized themselves as a party in 2001 ( Radicali Italiani ), Capezzone became their first segretario , ie party chairman. In the public, however, the prominent party members and long-time leaders of the radical movement Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino were perceived as leaders . Capezzone took part in hunger strikes to protest Italy's overcrowded prisons and campaigned for the 2005 referendum to liberalize artificial insemination and embryo research.

On the list Rosa nel Pugno ("Rose in the Fist"), to which Radicali Italiani and the social democratic SDI had merged, Capezzone was elected in 2006 to the Camera dei deputati (Chamber of Deputies). There he was chairman of the committee for industry, trade and tourism. However, the staunch economic liberal increasingly came into conflict with Marco Pannella's group, which was influential within the party, with SDI as an ally, and with the politics of the center-left Prodi government , to which the Radicali belonged. He did not stand for re-election as party chairman in 2006 and finally left the party in November 2007, where he also resigned the committee chairmanship in parliament, but retained his mandate as a non-attached party.

In February 2008, he joined the then opposition Forza Italia (FI) party led by Silvio Berlusconi , which he justified with his rejection of the fiscal policy of the Prodi government. Capezzone did not run for the parliamentary elections in 2008 , but became party spokesman for Forza Italia, and from 2009 for the center-right rallying party Popolo della Libertà (PdL), in which FI was absorbed. For the PdL, Capezzone was re-elected to the House of Representatives in 2013 , before the party renamed itself back to Forza Italia . Until July 2015 he was chairman of the finance committee. However, he increasingly distanced himself from Berlusconi and left the FI in 2015. He joined the liberal-conservative small party Conservatori e Riformisti (CR) led by Raffaele Fitto , of which he became deputy chairman. The CR merged into Direzione Italia in 2017 . For the general election in 2018 Capezzone has not raced for more, which his parliamentary mandate ended.

As a journalist, Capezzone was regularly heard on Radio Radicale from 2001 to 2007 . He later wrote articles for the Berlusconi-affiliated daily Libero , the conservative Washington Times and the Wall Street Journal . From 2007 he was responsible for the Sunday press review on Radio 24 . He wrote several books, including one on Europe and on Brexit in 2017 . He has worked for the liberal daily La Verità since 2018 and is also one of the editors of Atlantico magazine .

Works (selection)

  • (as editor) Referendum e legalità, “Tornare alla Costituzione”. Giappichelli, Turin 2000.
  • A radical shock for the 21st century. A United States of Europe and America for a world democracy organization, to eliminate world-wide obstacles to the individual's right to freedom and democracy. 2003
  • Euroghost - Un fantasma si aggira per l'Europa: l'Europa. Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro) 2004.
  • Democrazia istantanea. Velocità e decisione - quello che anche alla sinistra converrebbe imparare da Berlusconi. Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro) 2009.

Web links