Danuta Kleisinger

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Danuta Kleisinger (born May 29, 1924 as Danuta Czlapinska in Bydgoszcz ; † August 27, 2017 ) had been an Austrian Righteous Among the Nations since 1966 .

Her later husband Ewald Kleisinger served as an officer in the Wehrmacht at the railway station in Warsaw after the occupation of Poland . He lived in her house at 41 Krozegasse in the “Aryan district” of the city. The Polish-born Jew Jusek Prezman was in 1942 with his mother Scheine in the Warsaw Ghetto . Before the war, Danuta's mother was a friend of Scheine Prezman's, and Jusek was a friend of Danuta's.

After the establishment of the ghetto , Danuta smuggled food and money for the Prezman family into the ghetto, thereby endangering their lives. Before the ghetto uprising and its destruction in April 1943, Jusek Prezman and his friend Josef Kormarzyn fled to the “Aryan part” of the city with Danuta's help. Danuta hid her in her apartment for three weeks with the knowledge and consent of her fiancé and future husband, the officer Ewald Kleisinger. She also saved Jusek's mother, Scheine Prezman.

Danuta was active in the Polish underground movement. With their help she got Jusek Prezman and his friend Josef Kormazyn forged papers. Ewald Kleisinger brought them permits so that they could go to Vienna as Polish farm workers .

Kleisinger, disguised as Polish Christian foreign workers, directed them to his parents, who lived in Vienna . They took Prezman and Kormarzyn in like family members and helped them with money, food and clothing until the end of the war.


  • Daniel Fraenkel, Jakob Borut (ed.): Lexicon of the Righteous Among the Nations: Germans and Austrians . Wallstein Verlag , Göttingen 2005; ISBN 3-89244-900-7 ; P. 320 f.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.trauerportal.at/10620_2017-Danuta_Kleisinger/parte.html
  2. Danuta Kleisinger on the website of Yad Vashem (English)