Darmstadt fraternity Germania

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The Darmstadt fraternity Germania is a student union founded in 1869 at the Technical University of Darmstadt .

General and principles

The fraternity Germania is a colored, exposed fraternity that does not belong to any umbrella organization. The motto is freedom, honor, fatherland. All male students who are enrolled at one of Darmstadt's universities can become members. The connection house is located in downtown Darmstadt in the immediate vicinity of the TU Darmstadt buildings .


Like most fraternities, the members wear a ribbon as a sign of identification. Boys wear a black-wine-red-gold ribbon and foxes a wine-red-gold-wine-red ribbon, each with gold percussion. The hat color is orange.


The Darmstadt fraternity Germania was founded on November 2nd, 1869. In 1955, the original connection split into what was later called the "Darmstädter Burschenschaft Germania" and the " Alte Darmstädter Burschenschaft Germania " because the German Burschenschaft reintroduced the determination censorship in 1954, which led to an exit from the German Burschenschaft and the subsequent separation. Since then, the student fencing and the mensur have only been carried out by a few individual members of the Darmstadt fraternity Germania.


A special feature of the Germania fraternity is the fact that all active members have to take part in the glider training that is organized by Akaflieg DB on the Dörnberg in northern Hesse. The fraternity members have held glider training courses on the Dörnberg since 1931.

Known members

Known members are u. a. Otto Schwab , 1933/34 federal leader of the German fraternity , August Föppl , inventor of the Föppl bracket in technical mechanics and the electrical engineering professor Waldemar Petersen . Also a member was Henry Thorner , vice chairman of AEG , the chairman of many organizations was and u. a. was considered an advocate of the European idea. In addition to many other awards, he received the Great Federal Cross of Merit in 1960 .

Membership directory :

  • Willy Nolte (Ed.): Burschenschafter Stammrolle. List of the members of the German Burschenschaft according to the status of the summer semester 1934. Berlin 1934. P. 1022.


  • Hans-Georg Balder: The German (n) Burschenschaft (en) - Your representation in individual chronicles. Hilden 2005, pp. 111-113.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Darmstadt fraternity Germania: Prejudices. .
  2. ^ EH Eberhard: Handbook of the student liaison system. Leipzig, 1924/25, p. 131.