August Föppl

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August Föppl

August Otto Föppl (born January 25, 1854 in Groß-Umstadt , Hesse, † October 12, 1924 in Ammerland ) was a German mechanical engineer and university professor.


Föppl was the son of the doctor Carl August Föppl (who was most recently district doctor in Höchst im Odenwald) and studied construction at the Darmstadt Polytechnic from 1869 , then in Stuttgart with Christian Otto Mohr and at the TH Karlsruhe with a diploma in 1874. He then taught first at the building trade school in Holzminden and from 1877 to 1892 algebra and technical mechanics at the Leipzig trade school . On the side, he began studying physics with Gustav Heinrich Wiedemann , which he completed with a doctorate in 1886. The dissertation was based on two publications on statics, the theory of the framework from 1880 and the theory of the vaults from 1881. Based on this, he calculated the cast-iron framework structures for the roofing of the municipal market hall in Leipzig. In 1892 he became an associate professor for agricultural machinery and cultural engineering at the University of Leipzig .

From 1894 to 1922 August Föppl (as successor to Johann Bauschinger ) was professor for technical mechanics and graphic statics at the chair for technical mechanics and graphic statics (today's chair for materials science and mechanics) at the Technical University of Munich and the mechanical-technical laboratory (today: State Materials Testing Office for mechanical engineering). In 1922 he retired.

He was a founding boy of the Darmstadt fraternity Germania / Alte Darmstädter fraternity Germania in 1869, during his studies in Darmstadt.

Föppl carried out experiments on gyroscopes and vibrations and founded the theory of critical vibrations. In theory he led z. B. the Föppl bracket . He published about the lava turbine and the ship gyro by Ernst Otto Schlick . His textbooks on technical mechanics were well known.

Arnold Sommerfeld describes him as a "highly deserved researcher and teacher from all areas of applied mechanics" and points out that Föppl was the first to represent Heaviside's vector calculus in Germany. He used this in his introduction to Maxwell's theory of electricity (Leipzig 1894). This was the first German-language textbook on Maxwell's theory of electrodynamics . This textbook also became an important source for Albert Einstein in his reflections on the electrodynamics of moving bodies and for the special theory of relativity .

One of his first doctoral students was Ludwig Prandtl , who later became his son-in-law.

He was an honorary doctor in Darmstadt and Munich and was a privy councilor and since 1909 a full member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences .

In 2002, the Technical University of Munich introduced the Föppl Medal, which is awarded to employees for special commitment in professional training.


He married Emilie Schenck (1856–1924). Their children were Gertrud (∞ Ludwig Prandtl ), Otto Föppl (1885–1963; professor for technical mechanics at the TH Braunschweig), Else (∞ Hans Thoma , 1887–1973, professor for electrical engineering in Karlsruhe) and Ludwig Föppl (1887–1976 ; Mechanical engineer at the TH Munich).


  • A lecture hall in the N1 building is named after him on the main campus of the TU Munich
  • A building at the Leipzig University of Technology, Economics and Culture (HTWK) bears his name.
  • Since 1993 there has been a Föpplstrasse industrial area in Leipzig.
  • Since 2002, the Technical University of Munich has awarded the August Föppl Medal to employees who are particularly committed to professional training.


  • Memoirs, R. Oldenbourg 1925
  • with Otto Föppl: Fundamentals of strength theory, Teubner 1923
  • with Ludwig Föppl: Drang und Zwang, 2 volumes, Oldenbourg 1920, 3rd edition 1941/43
  • Lectures on technical mechanics. Teubner Verlag. Volume 1: Introduction to Mechanics, 5th Edition 1917, Volume 2: Graphical Statics, 3rd Edition 1912, Volume 2: Strength of Materials, 5th Edition 1914, Volume 4: Dynamics, 4th Edition 1914, Volume 5: The most important teachings der elasticity theory 1905, Volume 6: The most important lessons of the higher dynamics, 1910
    • First from 1897 to 1900. Later editions by Oldenbourg Verlag, z. B. Volume 3, 15th edition 1951, where his sons were editors
  • with Max Abraham : Theory of Electricity, Volume 1: Introduction to Maxwell's Theory of Electricity, Teubner, 4th edition 1912 (first as the sole author 1894)
  • The half-timbering in the room, 1892
  • Geometry of the vortex fields 1897

Individual evidence

  1. August Föppl. In: Website of the HTWK Leipzig. Retrieved June 25, 2020 .
  2. ^ Civil engineer 1895/96
  3. ^ VDI magazine, Volume 39, 1904
  4. ^ Karl-Eugen Kurrer: Föppl's lectures on technical mechanics . In: History of structural engineering. In search of balance . 2nd, greatly expanded edition. Ernst & Sohn , Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-433-03134-6 , pp. 187-191 .
  5. ^ Arnold Sommerfeld, Lectures on Theoretical Physics, Volume II, Mechanics of Deformable Media, p. 108, Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt / Main, 1978, ISBN 978-3-87144-375-6
  6. Erich Truckenbrodt:  Prandtl, Ludwig. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 20, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-428-00201-6 , p. 671 f. ( Digitized version ).
  8. Andreas Haka: Social networks in mechanical engineering at German university and non-university research institutions 1920–1970. Logos, Berlin 2014 ISBN 978-3-8325-3695-4 pp. 108-109.
  9. Leipzig street names. In: Website of the city of Leipzig. Retrieved June 25, 2020 .
  10. August Föppl Medal. In: Website TU Munich. Retrieved June 25, 2020 .


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