Renate Klöppel

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Renate Klöppel (born December 3, 1948 in Hanover ) is a German crime writer.

After graduating from high school, Renate Klöppel studied medicine and has been working as a pediatrician in Villingen-Schwenningen since 1982 .

Renate Klöppel completed a further course of studies from 1986 at the University of Music in Trossingen . After completing her music studies, she worked as a lecturer at this university and dealt with the intersection of music and medicine in her courses. She published several specialist books on this subject, for example Helfen durch Rhythmik (1992) and The Art of Making Music (1993). The latter is one of the most important standard works in the field of music education today .

Since 1999 she has also been publishing fiction: Her first work Der Mäusemörder (2001) saw a second edition in a very short time. In 2002 she published a second detective novel with Die Tote vom Turm .

In 2004 the novel Die Schattseite des Mondes , the life story of a schizophrenic painter, was published.

Renate Klöppel lives privately with her partner in Villingen-Schwenningen.

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