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Under Dartitis means the mental state at dart players leads to problems in throwing off the arrow.

The term goes back to Tony Woods, the editor-in-chief of World Darts Magazine , who first used the term in January 1981. In 2007 dartitis was included in the Oxford English Dictionary , where it was called “A state of nervousness which prevents a player from releasing a dart at the right moment when throwing” ('A state of nervousness that prevents a player from throwing the dart to let go at the right time '). The phenomenon can be compared to the Yips in golf .

The appearance was best known through the five-time British Darts Organization world champion Eric Bristow . At the Swedish Open in 1987 he first encountered the problem that he could not let go of the arrow when it was dropped.

Other prominent examples of dartitis include Mensur Suljović , Mervyn King, and Richie Burnett .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Oxford English Dictionary . Retrieved January 29, 2013
  2. Perform Media Deutschland GmbH: Darts disease dartitis explained . November 15, 2017 ( spox.com [accessed November 16, 2017]).

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