The island duel

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Television broadcast
German title The island duel
Country of production Germany
original language German
year 2000
Eyland MME Moviement AG for Sat.1
length 60 per episode = 540 minutes
Episodes 9 in 1 season
genre Reality show
production Christoph Jumpelt
Moderation Holger Speckhahn
First broadcast July 3, 2000 on Sat.1

The island duel (alternatively the island duel - only one gets through! ) Was a reality show that was broadcast on Sat.1 from July 3, 2000 until the end of August 2000 and moderated by Holger Speckhahn . Nine episodes were produced on the Malay island of Simbang in the South China Sea .


A group of women and men, who should be between 20 and 50 years of age, were selected based on their physical endurance, fitness, eloquence and TV suitability. As different professional groups and temperaments as possible should come together. The selected 13 participants were then transported to a lonely island far from civilization. The aim of the show was to test survival in the great outdoors beyond civilization and without complex technical aids and to find out how to cope with it.

For nine episodes, cameras observed the development of the candidates from getting to know each other through to saying goodbye. Their dealings with each other and how they cope with the often arduous everyday life together or alone were followed. In each episode, at least one participant had to leave the island. A joint and open vote, similar to the nomination system of the RTL II show Big Brother , was used to determine who the least fit in the group and therefore had to leave. There were sometimes heated, emotional debates, at the end of which the person for whom most had voted had to go until there were only four islanders left.

However, the island duel was very different from the reality show I'm a Star - Get Me Out of Here! as it was produced not with celebrities but with unknown participants who had applied to participate in the show. In addition, the candidates - in contrast to the aforementioned show - had to cope with tasks that showed that they are able to cope with life in such an unpredictable place in the great outdoors. They were not confronted with such disgusting tasks as eating something that is not intended to be in their culture.

The participants could either win material prizes in the individual competitions or obtain immunity, which protected them from being sent home in the upcoming nomination. Special perks that were not granted to everyone challenged the participants psychologically and emotionally and repeatedly tested their ability to work in a team. In the last broadcast, the last four islanders qualified in two groups of two for the final round, and the winning pair competed against each other in the final competition.


At the end of the show, a review was carried out in Berlin among the audience voting by telephone between the remaining finalists Michael (32) from Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Stefanie (38) from Hamburg, which the electronics technician could win against the clerk. The treasure chest with 250,000 marks was his reward.


The German Animal Welfare Association brought criminal charges against channel boss Fred Kogel and five of the candidates, because the latter had killed a lizard to eat. Monitor lizards are among the animals protected by the Washington Convention on the Protection of Species .


The station itself rated its first reality show as a “great success” and was satisfied with the way it went. Sat.1's target market share of 20 percent among 14 to 49 year olds was 18.6 percent (2.24 million viewers) in this group in the last broadcast.

Contrary to its own announcement, Sat.1 decided that there would be no second season of the island duel because they no longer trust the market.


Those responsible were accused of having “unabashedly relied on bullying and voyeurism”, and that they wanted to scare away the candidates from the island with “constant psychological pressure” in the program advertised as the “last great adventure in the world”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Island duel": Heroes like us In: Der Tagesspiegel , published on August 29, 2000.
  2. a b c Island duel - Michael gets the quarter of a million In: Spiegel Online , published on August 29, 2000.
  3. Sat.1 overturns the second season of Inselduell on, published on March 9, 2001.