The country folk

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Das Landvolk was the title of the newspaper of the Schleswig-Holstein rural people movement , which from January 11, 1929 appeared first weekly and soon daily in Itzehoe . The subtitle of the newspaper read: Lewwer duad üs Slaaw! (High German: Better dead than a slave!; an allusion to Detlev von Liliencron's ballad Pidder Lüng ). The publisher was the folk publisher Ferdinand Pramor.

Chief editor (editor-in-chief) had been Bruno von Salomon since March 1, 1929 . His better-known brother Ernst von Salomon wrote, like other representatives of the Conservative Revolution , including Friedrich Wilhelm Heinz and Herbert Volck , for Das Landvolk . According to Gerhard Stoltenberg , such authors gave the paper “an aggressive course determined by ardent hatred of the western bourgeois-liberal state and social order”. In the first March issue, for example, there was talk of the "iron language of the bayonets", before which the "whispering peace of the prophets of understanding" and "Jewish, rationalist politicians" had to fall silent.

The newspaper reached a top circulation of 12,000 and was subscribed to throughout the entire Reich. It was banned several times for a short time, but was immediately continued under new names and issuing locations. In his autobiographical novel The Questionnaire , Ernst von Salomon names some of the substitute titles: "The West Coast", "The Green Front", "Storm Bell" and, after the Schleswig-Holstein Chief President Heinrich Kürbis , who had pronounced the ban on appearance, "The Pumpkin".

In autumn 1929, Wilhelm Hamkens , one of the two leading figures in the rural people's movement, pushed through the change of editor-in-chief against the will of the imprisoned other leader of the movement, Claus Heim (both were shareholders of the newspaper). Bruno von Salomon, who had championed Heim's radical line in the newspaper, was replaced at short notice by the Stahlhelmer and Tannenbergbund man Otto Winter, then from the beginning of 1930 by Johannes Kühl from Husum, who also belonged to the Stahlhelm and was a member of the DNVP .

The newspaper was discontinued in August 1931. The publisher Pramor then published a newspaper in Itzehoe called “Landvolkkampf”, while Wilhelm Hamkens in Husum published a newspaper with the title “Landvolk”. Both publications were non-existent, also because they were in competition with one another.


  • Gerhard Stoltenberg : Political currents in the Schleswig-Holstein rural population 1918–1933. A contribution to the formation of political opinion in the Weimar Republic , Düsseldorf: Droste-Verlag, 1962
  • Hans Beyer: The agrarian crisis and the rural people's movement in the years 1928–1932. A contribution to the history of "revolutionary" peasant movements between the two world wars , in: Archive for Agricultural History of the Holstein Elbmarschen, 5/6, 1983, pp. 156–187, online version .
  • Alexander Otto-Morris: "Farmer, protect your rights!" Rural people movement and National Socialism 1928/30 , in: Working group for research into National Socialism in Schleswig-Holstein eV (AKENS) (Ed.): "Triumphant march in the Nordmark". Schleswig-Holstein and National Socialism 1925–1950. Schlaglichter - Studies - Reconstructions , Heft 50, Kiel, Winter 2008, pp. 54–73.

Individual proof

  1. a b Gerhard Stoltenberg : Political currents in the Schleswig-Holstein rural population 1918-1933. A contribution to the formation of political opinion in the Weimar Republic , Düsseldorf: Droste-Verlag, 1962, p. 132.
  2. ^ Gerhard Stoltenberg: Political currents in the Schleswig-Holstein rural population 1918-1933. A contribution to the formation of political opinion in the Weimar Republic , Düsseldorf: Droste-Verlag, 1962, p. 133.
  3. Ernst von Salomon : The questionnaire . Rowohlt, Hamburg 1951, p. 226 f.
  4. Klaus-J.Lorenzen-Schmidt: Three letters from the “peasant general ” Claus Heim from pre- trial detention (1929/30) . Yearbook Democratic History Vol. 15, June 1, 2008 (PDF online file; 526 kB), p. 153.
  5. ^ Gerhard Stoltenberg: Political currents in the Schleswig-Holstein rural population 1918–1933. A contribution to the formation of political opinion in the Weimar Republic , Düsseldorf: Droste-Verlag, 1962, p. 174.