The emergency shirt

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Work data
Title: The emergency shirt
Shape: Stage play
Original language: German
Music: Victor von Woikowsky-Biedau
Libretto : Victor von Woikowsky-Biedau
Premiere: 1913
Place of premiere: Dessau
Place and time of the action: a Swabian imperial city in 1522 and 1527
  • Sebaldus Ilsung , Mayor ( baritone )
  • Armgard, his daughter ( soprano )
  • Ütz, councilor ( bass )
  • Riebeyssen, councilor (bass)
  • Häring, Councilor (baritone)
  • Langenmantel , Councilor (baritone)
  • Näslin, councilor ( tenor )
  • Cousin, councilor (tenor)
  • Pfefferlin (tenor)
  • Neidhart Hecht, Chamberlain (baritone)
  • Wendelin (tenor)
  • Georg von Frundsberg ( bass baritone )
  • A maid
  • The Advertiser (baritone)
  • Profoss
  • Landsknechte, monks, people

The emergency shirt is a stage play ( opera ) in three acts by the composer Victor von Woikowsky-Biedau , who also wrote the libretto . Its premiere saw this play in 1913 in Dessau .


Act 1 - Council meeting room in 1522

Wendelin is an orphan and the last offspring of an old noble family. Mayor Ilsung took him into his house a long time ago and raised him together with his daughter Armgard. She is now a pretty young woman with whom the councilor Neidhard Hecht is in love. Armgard is in love with her Wendelin and only wants to marry him. The mayor does not tolerate this and banishes Wendelin from his house and the city.

At this time, Georg von Frundsberg and his mercenaries were standing in front of the city. The city council refers to their city's independence from the empire, which is documented by an imperial decree. Frundsberg disregards this, because Emperor Karl needs soldiers for his war against France. Frundsberg moves into the city and recruits land servants in the city. Wendelin is one of the first to join Frundsberg's army. He secretly bids farewell to Armgard, who has woven him a magical emergency shirt .

Act 2 - woman's chamber in a patrician house, 1527

Armgard's parents, Sebastian Ilsung and his wife have died. Neidhart Hecht lets her know. He is now the mayor of the imperial city and again proposes to Armgard. She refuses again because she still loves Wendelin. When Neidhart Hecht tries to do violence to Armgard, one hears the songs of the soldiers returning home. He leaves Armgard in anger when she rushes out into the street and greets Wendelin.

3rd act - marketplace of the Swabian imperial city 1527 (prelude "Vom Junge Maien")

Wendelin stood out for his bravery during the war. After the battle of Pavia he was made captain by Frundsberg. As Protége Frundsberg, he is now back home and wants to marry Armgard. Neidhard Hecht insidiously tries to prevent this wedding. He accuses Armgard of unchastity and a dissolute lifestyle. Wendelin doesn't believe this, but has to bow to a divine judgment for Armgard's sake and his honor. Dressed in the emergency shirt, Wendelin faces the fight, but Neidhard Hecht is afraid and is late. According to the rules of the Landsknechte, Neidhart is considered a coward and defeated. The two get married and the curtain falls to the cheers of the mercenaries.


  • Leo Melitz: Guide through the operas . Globus-Verlag, Berlin 1914, pp. 202-203.
  • Victor von Woikowsky-Biedau: The emergency shirt. Stage play in three acts . Ahn & Simrock, Berlin 1913