the little red student book

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The little red student book was a handbook for students published in 1969, which was written by the Danes Bo Dan Andersen , Søren Hansen and Jesper Jensen under the original title Den lille røde bog for skoleelever . The book, which is closely related to the 1968 movement , was translated into numerous languages ​​and banned in several states or only published in abridged form.

Form and content

In terms of external design and format, the book was based on the so-called Mao Bible . In terms of content, it encouraged readers to question and break through social norms. To achieve this, it also provided information on drugs and sexuality, which also instructions for drug use and masturbation included. The German edition dispensed with capitalization throughout ; Example:

“In this book we have tried to remove some unnecessary difficulties. Some! Not all! Otherwise it would have been difficult for you to read.
If your teacher says the book is misspelled, he is right. Because he only knows the old spelling. In his book he is welcome to highlight in red any mistakes he finds. He will find many, at least two per line! And only then does the book really turn red. "

- From the preliminary remark of the German edition

History and effects

A German translation was published in 1970 by the New Critique Verlag . It came from Peter Jacobi and Lutz Maier and was adapted to German conditions. The title had eight editions with a total of 180,000 copies in the German-speaking area within three years.

In Switzerland , a campaign launched by the politician Hans Martin Sutermeister resulted in the book being temporarily banned from being imported. When Sutermeister, as head of the school administration of the city of Bern, warned against the "subversive" booklet in 1970, some schools banned the primer, Radio Bern put off a program on the subject, and Bern bookstores stopped selling the booklet. An examination by the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office showed, however, that the booklet did not contain any content that could endanger the state; based on an expert opinion by the Bern police, they nevertheless arranged for a temporary seizure on grounds of “endangering young people”.

The book was also banned in France and Italy , in Great Britain the little red schoolbook was only allowed to appear shortened by the parts that were judged to be obscene. The censorship in the UK were the 1976 European Court of Human Rights confirmed the same but the scope of which was freedom of expression more clearly than previously defined.

In Austria , the book is still being sold in a revised form today by the Aktion Kritischer Schülerinnen and Pupils , which is closely related to the SPÖ . The preface to the 2003 edition states:

“However, 33 years after the little red student book was published, there are hardly more apt and simpler formulated books and brochures about the school. Perhaps this is also due to the fact that hardly anything has changed in the school's character when it comes to the most important questions.

Text output


  • Bo Dan Andersen, Søren Hansen, Jesper Jensen: The little red student book. (Translation and German adaptation: Peter Jacobi and Lutz Maier). Original title: Den lille røde bog for skoleelever. New Critique Publishing House, Frankfurt / M. 1970. ISBN 3-8015-0052-7 .
    • 1971: 3rd edition, 61st to 80th thousand
    • 1973: 8th edition, 171st to 180th thousand
  • Action Critical Pupils (Ed.): The little red student book . 2003 ( digitized version ( memento from July 1, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) [PDF; 1.6 MB ; accessed on July 1, 2016] Memento in the Internet Archive , revised new edition).

Other languages

  • Australian / New Zealand edition: The little red schoolbook. A. Taylor, Adelaide 1972
  • Belgian edition: Le petit livre rouge des écoliers et lycéens. Center National Belge d'Information des Jeunes, Brussels 1971.
  • British edition: The little red schoolbook. Stage 1, London 1971. ISBN 0-85035-009-3 .
  • Danish edition: Den lille røde bog for skoleelever. Hans Reitzels Forlag, Copenhagen 1969.
  • Finnish edition: Koululaisen pieni punainen kirja. Tammi, Helsinki 1970.
  • French edition: Le petit livre rouge des écoliers et lycéens. François Maspero, Paris 1971.
  • Italian edition: Il libretto rosso degli studenti. Guaraldi, Rimini 1972.
  • Norwegian edition: Den lille røde bok for skoleelever. Pax, Oslo 1969.
  • Swedish edition: Elevens lilla röda. Prisma, Stockholm 1969.
  • US edition: The little red schoolbook. Pocket Books, New York 1971, ISBN 0-671-78179-0 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Association of socialist middle school students. In: - Web dictionary of the Viennese social democracy. SPÖ Vienna (Ed.)
  2. ^ Klaus Thiele-Dohrmann : Disturbance of the peace in Bern . In: The time . No. 30 , 1970 ( ).
  3. Pupil / Teacher Education: Red Guide . In: Der Spiegel . No. 7 , 1970 ( online ). DER SPIEGEL reported: Student-teacher relationship . In: Der Spiegel . No.
     28 , 1970, pp. 144 ( online ). .
  5. ( Memento from July 1, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 1.6 MB)