Klaus Thiele-Dohrmann

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German author Klaus Thiele-Dohrmann, 2016.JPG

Klaus Thiele-Dohrmann (born January 10, 1936 , in Hamburg ) is a German author , essayist and science journalist .

life and work

After losing his parents in World War II, he grew up with various foster parents. In the spring of 1955 he graduated from high school in Wilhelmsburg . In order to be able to finance the first semesters of a planned course of study, he worked in the port of Hamburg for a year and a half. From 1957 to 1964 he studied psychology , English and Japanese studies in Hamburg. During his studies he taught German in Japanese families.

From 1964 to 1967 he studied psychotherapy at the CG Jung Institute in Zurich and completed the prescribed teaching and control analysis. At the same time, Thiele-Dohrmann worked as an editor and translator for Swiss publishers. Between 1968 and 1970 Thiele-Dohrmann worked as a freelancer in the culture section of Spiegel , and has been an author for ZEIT since 1968 . This was followed by articles for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , Weltwoche in Zurich and the magazine of the Süddeutsche Zeitung . He has also worked for several years at the Welt der Literatur , the Deutsches Allgemeine Sonntagsblatt , the Tagesanzeiger Zurich and the Zürcher Sonntagsjournal. Between 1971 and 2003 Thiele-Dohrmann was a permanent freelancer at NDR, Westdeutschen, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Radio Bremen and Deutschlandradio Kultur. Since 1975 Klaus Thiele-Dohrmann has published numerous works, many of which have been translated into several languages, including Chinese, Japanese and Korean. He was particularly well received with his monographs on the subject of conscience, on the history of investigative journalism using the example of Pietro Aretino, and on fame and immortality, as a human dream from ancient times to today.

The cultural criticism of Klaus Thiele-Dohrmann, who in addition to his journalistic work gives many lectures at universities and German-Italian institutes, is based on a decidedly humanistic basic attitude, which is why the social philosopher Horst-Eberhard Richter called him an "advocate of the inner voice". Thiele-Dohrmann is married and has three sons.



  • Laurence Sterne, "The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy". Licensed edition for Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt 1991. Item No 000082
  • Valentine's day. A love greeting for February 14th. Insel Verlag, Frankfurt / M. and Leipzig 1992. ISBN 3-458-33081-X <1200>
  • Laurence Sterne, "A Sensitive Journey Through France and Italy". Artemis & Winkler, Zurich / Düsseldorf 1995. ISBN 3-538-05363-4
  • The crowned fruit of Venus. Stories about the pomegranate . Diana Verlag, Munich 1997. ISBN 3-453-16397-4
  • Valentin is every day. Poems and stories . Patmos Verlag, Düsseldorf 2005. ISBN 3-491-45054-3


  • The Madonna in a hurry. Narrative. In: Boa Vista. 7, Edition Boa Vista, Hamburg 1980.
  • Lying figure. Narrative. In: German General Sunday Gazette. 1983.
  • Poet in the cage. Narrative. In: German General Sunday Gazette. 1983.
  • The frivolous charm of discreet indiscretion. Essay. In: Buccaneers. 70, 1996.
  • Keyword: Aretino. In: Brockhaus Encyclopedia. Gütersloh 2000.
  • The charm of the indiscreet. In: Christoph Gutknecht: Loud pointed tongues. Winged words and their story. Beck, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-406-45965-X , p. 107.
  • Fame and immortality. To the story of a human dream. In: Konrad Paul Liessmann (ed.): Fame, death and immortality. Philosophicum Lech, Volume 7. Zsolnay, Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-552-05299-2 .
  • Pietro Aretino. In: J. Rattner, G. Danzer: The birth of the modern European man in the Italian Renaissance. Königshausen & Neumann, 2004, ISBN 3-8260-2934-8 , pp. 173-176.
  • Collaboration on: Japanese literature in the mirror of German reviews. Bibliography. Iudicium, Munich 2006, ISBN 978-3-89129-401-7 .
  • Romain Rolland. In: World and Cultural History. Epochs, facts, backgrounds in 20 volumes. Volume 13. Bucerius, 2006, ISBN 3-411-17603-2 , pp. 526-534.
  • Human dreams on Lake Maggiore. In: Johannes Grotzky, Christoph Lindenmeyer (Ed.): Travel. Edition radio book. belleville, 2007, ISBN 978-3-936298-61-1 .
  • Intuition. In: Webster's Timeline History 387 BC-2007. ICON Group International, 2009, ISBN 0-546-87833-4 , pp. 57f.
  • Pietro Aretino. In: Katrin Burtschell: Nobuyuki Araki and Henry Miller. A Japanese-American analogy. Münster 2009, ISBN 978-3-8258-1822-7 , p. 63.
  • Eternal bliss or endless non-existence? In: Isabella Jordan, Annette Hilt, Andreas Frewer (Eds.): Finiteness, Medicine and Immortality. History, theory, ethics. (Ars Moriendi Nova). Steiner, Stuttgart 2010, ISBN 978-3-515-09714-7 .
  • Venice - In the Salon of Europe. In: Peter Marggraf : San Marco hand press. November 2011, pp. 27–31.
  • John Ruskin - The Stones of Venice. In: Peter Marggraf: San Marco hand press. November 2012, pp. 23-25.

TV reports

  • History of Psychiatry. 3-part series NDR 1978–80.
  • "In Search of the Self - Psychoanalysis" NDR u. a. 1980
  • People in the hotel. Nostalgia with a fax connection. NDR 1994.

Radio plays

  • Excuses in NDR 1979.
  • Ciao Mo in Radio Basel and at Rai Uno 1979.


  • CGJung et al .: Man and his symbols. Walter Verlag, Olten 1968.
  • AARoback: World History of Psychology and Psychiatry. Walter Verlag, Olten 1970.
  • Andrew Greeley: A future to hope for. Walter Verlag, Olten 1971.
  • Andrew Greeley: Invitation to Friendship. Walter Verlag, Olten 1972.
  • Vernon W. Grant "The Insecure Man", Walter Verlag, Olten 1977
  • Kiyoshi Seike et al., "Japanese Gardens and Garden Parts". Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart 1983


1978/79 Villa Romana scholarship from the Hamburg cultural authority for Florence.


  • Association of German Writers
  • Laurence Star Society, Shandy Hall, Coxwold, England;
  • William Beckford Society, Bath, England


  • The International Authors And Writers Who Is Who. Melrose Press, Cambridge 1976, ISBN 0-900332-34-4

Individual evidence

  1. DIE WELT, January 12, 2011
  2. ^ The International Authors And Writers Who Is Who. Melrose Press, Cambridge 1976, p. 580. ISBN 0-900332-34-4
  3. See Horst-Eberhard Richter: Dealing with fear . Hoffmann and Campe Verlag, Hamburg 1992, p. 194.
  4. See e.g. B. Herfried Münkler: Lexicon of the Renaissance . CH Beck Verlag, Munich 2000, p. 151. ISBN 3-406-46628-1
  5. See e.g. B. Hartmut Koehler: Criticon. Amman Verlag Zurich 2001, p. 920. ISBN 3-250-10437-X
  6. Fame and Immortality. A dream of mankind from ancient times to today . Böhlau Verlag, Vienna / Cologne / Weimar 2000. ISBN 3-7400-1106-8
  7. See Hartmut Köhler, 'Dante - La Commedia', 1st vol. P. 233; 'La Commedia' 3rd vol. Reclam Stuttgart 2010, p. 196; , ISBN 978-3-15-010750-8
  8. Horst-Eberhard Richter: Dealing with fear. Hoffmann and Campe Verlag, Hamburg 1992, p. 194. ISBN 3-455-08439-7

Web links