The weak thinking

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Weak thinking is an internationally known current in contemporary Italian philosophy. It has hermeneutical and phenomenological roots and can be assigned to post-structuralism .

The weak thinking ("il pensiero debole") was originally the title of an anthology that was published by Feltrinelli in 1983 and contained, among other things, a contribution by Umberto Eco . The two editors, Gianni Vattimo and Pier Aldo Rovatti , provided two different interpretations of the metaphor of weakness in their contributions. As a reaction to the sometimes harsh criticism of the anthology, the loose rather than systematic thoughts gave rise to a philosophical current of its own, which found its way into the more recent history of philosophy.

Gianni Vattimo , in the outcome of Martin Heidegger and Hans-Georg Gadamer , is about a weakening of being and its strong structures. His reinterpretation of the history of metaphysics as the history of the weakening of being (based on Martin Heidegger's forgetfulness of being) was well received internationally and was intensely debated in the 1980s and 1990s.

Pier Aldo Rovatti has stronger phenomenological roots and tries to weaken the subject. In his thinking he deepens the weak sides of subjective self-awareness such as alterity and passivity.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carlo Augusto Viano: Va 'pensiero. Il carattere della filosofia italiana contemporanea, Torino 1985
  2. ^ Anne Staquet: La pensée faible de Vattimo et Rovatti: une pensée-fable, Paris 1996
  3. ^ Giovanna Borradori: Recording Metaphysics: The New Italien Philosophy, Evanston 1988