Deep breakfast

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Deep breakfast
Studio album by Ray Lynch


December 12, 1984


September - October 1984

Label (s) Ray Lynch Productions

Genre (s)

New Age , Ambient

running time

40 min 20 s


Ray Lynch

The Sky of Mind
Deep breakfast No Blue Thing

Deep Breakfast ( German about Profound breakfast ) is the third and most well-known studio album of American composer Ray Lynch . It was released on December 12, 1984 and initially distributed locally by Lynch himself, but after the album's surprising success from 1986 onwards, it wasdistributed worldwideby Music West Records . The album was considered a milestone in music history as it successfully combined electronic and classical instruments. In 1989 it reached number two on the Billboard Charts' list of the best new age albums. In the United States, the album went platinum for 1,000,000 sales.

For the title of the album and the songs, the musician was inspired by Adi Da Samraj , a spiritual teacher and founder of the Adidam religion, to which Lynch belonged. The cover was made by Kim Prager with oil paints on canvas, following Lynch's request to visually represent the sounds of the album.

Track list

  • Written and arranged by Ray Lynch and Tom Canning ( The Oh of Pleasure only ).
  1. Celestial Soda Pop - 4:37
  2. The Oh of Pleasure - 5:18
  3. Falling in the Garden - 2:44
  4. Your Feeling Shoulders - 7:28
  5. Rhythm in the Pews - 4:09
  6. Kathleen's Song - 4:05
  7. Pastoral - 5:26
  8. Tiny Geometries - 6:08
Professional evaluation
source rating



  • produced by Ray Lynch
  • Mastering by George Horn

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. Album Review "Deep Breakfast" , accessed October 18, 2017