Defibrillator (ICD) Germany

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The Defibrillator (ICD) Germany e. V. is a patient organization in the field of cardiovascular diseases. The association was founded in Bad Nauheim in 2007 and is recognized as a non-profit organization.

Defi logo colored.jpg


The aims of the Defibrillator (ICD) Germany are to represent the interests of patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) , to raise public awareness of defibrillators and to maintain contact with implanting clinics, cardiologists and rehabilitation facilities.

The association supports the founding of self-help groups , carries out lobbying work in health and social policy, conducts conferences and seminars, and works with other organizations, associations, clinics and cardiologists as well as state institutions.

The long-term goal of the organization is to significantly improve the situation of defibrillator patients in Germany and the quality of life of these heart patients.

The Defibrillator (ICD) Germany e. V. has been a member of the Federal Working Group on Self-Help for People with Disabilities and Chronic Illness and Their Relatives since April 30, 2011 (BAG SELBSTHILFE). The work of Defibrillator (ICD) Germany is also supported by the Federal Association of Resident Cardiologists .

Focus of work

The Defibrillator Association (ICD) Germany is committed to educating patients with an implanted defibrillator about a healthy lifestyle and the possibilities of disease prevention and treatment. It provides information about new developments in cardiovascular medicine and supports the establishment and support of self-help groups.


The board of the Defibrillator (ICD) Germany e. V. currently has six members; Matthias Kollmar has been the first chairman since March 2013. All board members work exclusively on a voluntary basis .

The general assembly is the supreme body and is called at least once a year.

There are several legally dependent regional associations within the association.

Defibrillator (ICD) Germany e. V. has had a medical advisory board since 2009 with currently 23 members from the fields of cardiology, cardiac surgery , pediatric cardiology and psychocardiology .

The 1st chairman of Defibrillator (ICD) Germany e. V. Matthias Kollmar has been accredited as a patient representative at the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) since 2015 .

Projects and activities

In 2009, the Institute for Epidemiology II of the Helmholtz Center Munich - German Research Center for Health and Environment, together with Defibrillator (ICD) Germany e. V. and the self-help groups organized within it carried out a joint research project aimed at improving patient-centered care for ICD patients, in particular by promoting innovation and improvements in the management and treatment of end-of-life patients. The final study demonstrated above all the need for better information for patients and raised the information offered and the role of the self-help groups of the defibrillator (ICD) Germany e. V. emerged.

In addition to the information on its website, the Defibrillator Association (ICD) Germany offers lectures or workshops on current topics at the annual meetings. The office answers numerous telephone and written inquiries, if necessary with the involvement of members of the medical advisory board. In addition, members of the board are available for information.


Katharina Bauer is the patron of the Defibrillator (ICD) Germany e. V. since 2018. Bauer is the 2018 German indoor pole vault champion and has an S-ICD. Bauer underwent heart surgery in April 2018, using a defibrillator. She is the first female athlete with an implanted defibrillator to take part in a World Athletics Championships (September 27 to October 6, 2019 in Doha).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Christoph Hermann-Lingen, Christian Albus, Georg Titscher: Psychokardiologie, A practical guide for doctors and cardiologists . 3. Edition. Deutscher Ärzteverlag, 2019, ISBN 978-3-662-58898-7 , p. 153 ( limited preview in Google Book Search [accessed October 23, 2019]).
  2. Thorsten Lewalter: HERZRHYTHMUS - The rhythm of life - understanding and treating cardiac arrhythmias . Südwest Verlag, 2019, ISBN 978-3-517-09678-0 ( limited preview in Google Book Search [accessed October 23, 2019]).
  3. Dietrich Grönemeyer : DEIN HERZ - Another organ story . S. Fischer Verlag, 2016, ISBN 978-3-10-402640-4 ( limited preview in Google Book Search [accessed October 23, 2019]).
  4. ^ The member organizations of the BAG Selbsthilfe
  5. Living with an implanted defibrillator (ICD) website of the Federal Association of Resident Cardiologists for Defibrillators (ICD) Germany eV
  6. Founding of an ICD self-help group . Event of the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein on September 19, 2016
  7. ^ The Defi self-help group Limburg-Weilburg . Self-help group yearbook 2015. Gießen 2015 German working group self-help groups (DAG SHG) eV
  8. Werner Stingl: Defibrillator wearers need more cardiopsychologists . In: ÄrzteZeitung . May 18, 2011 ( [accessed October 23, 2019]).
  9. ^ Ischinger Nina Fleur: End-of-Life Management of Patients with Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD). A survey-based investigation on problem-awareness, attitudes and preferences of ICD carriers, . August 27, 2013 ( [PDF; accessed February 27, 2020]).
  10. Gunnar Meinhardt : Athletics World Cup 2019: Katharina Bauer starts with a defibrillator . September 26, 2019 ( [accessed October 20, 2019]).