Monument Network Bavaria

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Spokesman for the Bavarian Monument Network, from left to right: Johannes Haslauer, Meike Gerchow, Achim Schröer

The Bavarian Monument Network goes back to an amalgamation of Bavarian citizens' initiatives , all of which deal with monument protection and preservation in the broadest sense and are volunteers.

History of origin

The initiators of a nationwide network of civic monument initiatives in the Museum Kühnertsgasse , v. left to right: Wolfgang Weise, Alexander Mayer and Achim Schröer
The first signatories of the Tutzinger Appeal at the founding event

The idea for the Bavarian Monument Network came about at two conferences organized by the Evangelical Academy Tutzing and architect Wolfgang Weise from Augsburg. Accompanying the conference “Citizens' Initiative for Monument Protection. Forms of Engagement ”in December 2008 and“ Citizens' Initiatives in Monument Protection ”in June 2011, above all Wolfgang Weise, government builder Achim Schröer (Munich) and local curator Alexander Mayer (Fürth) laid the foundations for establishing a network. At the 2011 conference, at which the participants' specific wish for a closer union emerged, the regional historian Johannes Haslauer (Munich) joined the organizational team. The organizational support of the Bavarian State Association for Homeland Care contributed significantly to the official establishment. This was carried out with the signing of the "Tutzing Declaration on the Preservation of Civic Monuments" in Bavaria on January 13, 2012 in the Evangelical Academy Tutzing. One of the aims of the working group is to create a new website, “”. At the same time, the “Tutzinger Declaration” was signed by those present, in which the intentions of the civil protection of monuments are formulated. The well-known television journalist and filmmaker Dieter Wieland gave an encouraging opening speech and welcomed the new Bavarian network. The “working group”, made up of participants in the founding event, appointed Johannes Haslauer and Achim Schröer as speakers in February 2012, and Meike Gerchow joined the speakers team in April 2012 as the third member.

Monument Network Bavaria and the Tutzing Declaration on Civil Protection of Monuments

The citizens' initiatives from Bavaria agreed on the following theses and goals in 2011:

Civil preservation of monuments

Home, place of residence and work, sight: monuments have diverse meanings for every citizen. They are identity-creating places of remembrance, evidence of historical building culture and space-defining elements of our built environment; the preservation of historical building stock and settlement structure contributes to socially, economically and ecologically sustainable development. Protection, preservation and care of monuments are therefore the tasks of the whole society, not just of the state and owners. Consequently, civic engagement in the area of ​​monument protection is becoming increasingly important. In order to make this potential productive for the general public, a suitable environment is needed: competent and strong authorities, sensitivity and expertise in politics and administration, suitable procedures and funding structures.

As a network of citizens' initiatives, a decisive improvement in the framework conditions is therefore desired for the civil preservation of monuments.


Civic initiatives are competent partners for the state preservation of monuments. There are experts on site for local history and the structural development of villages, towns and settlements. As committed citizens, it is announced that they are willing to work and work hard on the monuments and to show commitment on site for their preservation and care. State preservation of monuments is indispensable. Strengthening you legally and financially is another goal. The state preservation of monuments and politicians are invited to enter into dialogue with the initiatives on contentious issues, for example when assessing the worthiness of buildings or urban structures, or in building advice. In addition, the on-site expertise in the monument area is networked more precisely, for example through a statement about voluntary contact persons.

Participation and procedure

Old Mint in Munich - seat of the Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Monuments

In order to be able to take action, greater transparency of procedures and better citizen participation, as well as an increased willingness to dialogue on the part of politics and authorities - in building and planning law, but also in monument law - are required. An early and clear announcement of plans, also to citizens' initiatives, legally anchored opportunities to have a say and the introduction of representative actions for organizations involved in the preservation of historical monuments, for example, are important approaches. Monument protection has constitutional status and is a constitutional mandate, which is why the enforcement of monument law and the specialist authorities must be strengthened again; would be particularly important z. B. in Bavaria the reintroduction of the dissent procedure.


Civic engagement can open up new sources of funding for monuments in addition to the funds previously available. However, this often requires a certain amount of start-up funding. In addition to the promotion of structural measures, institutional support for civic initiatives in their broad engagement is required. In addition to maintaining tax deductibility, it is important to strengthen subsidies, as not all monument owners benefit from tax support. Other funding routes, such as B. a VAT reduction for listed building measures are to be examined.


Education is the key to greater acceptance and a better understanding of monument preservation as an important task for society as a whole. Local history, architectural history and the preservation of monuments must therefore be better anchored in school curricula and in the training of architects and craftsmen. A further training offer, e.g. B. for local politicians, administrative staff and monument owners would be desirable. The citizens' initiatives are ideal partners for this.

In order to preserve the built cultural heritage as an indispensable basis for a future worth living in, a new culture of community is required.

Comprehensive information about monument law in Germany

The Monument Law portal has been devoted to all legal and administrative questions relating to architectural and ground monuments throughout Germany since 2016 . These include a. Articles and essays on monument law , a collection of judgments, examples and samples, links to institutions and courts.

A brochure on the monument law portal in Germany, as of 2017 (PDF 65 pages) gives an overview of all chapters, the attached PDFs (approx. 900) and links (approx. 200).

Demands of the monument network

A listed Weberhäusl in Pfaffenhofen adIlm - privately renovated in an exemplary manner
Bayertor in Landsberg am Lech
Decaying monument in Altomünster

In 2016, the Bavarian Monument Network developed the following proposals:

15 points for better monument preservation in Bavaria

Strengthen education

  • 1. Embed monument preservation, architecture and local history in curricula
  • 2. Adapt relevant college education
  • 3. Recognize the special qualifications of architects and engineers

Improved qualification and equipment of the monument authorities

  • 4. Mandatory qualification of the personnel of the lower monument protection authorities
  • 5. Staffing of the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments adequate to the task

Improved information for monument owners and authorities

  • 6. Enter monument status in the land register and cadastre
  • 7. Regularly inform (new) owners of monuments

Shaping funding

  • 8. Receive and strengthen regular subsidies outside the Settlement Fund

Adapt procedure and monument law

  • 9. Eliminate enforcement problems
  • 10. Reintroduce dissent procedures
  • 11. Introduce public participation in proceedings under monument law
  • 12. Legally secure representative action
  • 13. Better involve the State Monument Council
  • 14. Promote the preservation of the cityscape and the building fabric that is particularly worth preserving
  • 15. Protect archaeological monuments better

Use of the internet platform

The internet platform has been available and active since mid-June 2012. It has many purposes and goals:

The citizens' initiatives can now bundle their energies

Endangered houses with a history are more and more often only saved at the last minute by citizens' initiatives. These voluntary associations want the cultural and architectural monuments of their city, their village or their home landscape not to decay, but to be preserved. Under the motto “Together for the built cultural heritage”, they want to pool their concerns in the Bavarian Monument Network, impart and exchange specialist knowledge and thus strengthen the energies and effectiveness of the groups involved.

All those involved can support each other in a variety of ways

  • by informing and advising each other,
  • share their experiences,
  • further training and imparting knowledge,
  • appear together in public
  • and represent their interests more effectively towards politics and authorities.

Opportunities for collaboration

Use of the platform's offers

Interested parties can participate by informing themselves on the pages, presenting their own initiatives and concerns and thus communicating effectively with other initiatives and individual conservationists. After registering, you are also able to design your own part of the member's area and present your concerns there.

Participation in the working group

A working group meets at regular intervals in order to ensure regular communication between the participants and to achieve the greatest possible uniformity in the setting of goals and procedures. It should analyze problems, develop perspectives and forge goals and plans. Representatives of the member initiatives can take part as well as individuals who are part of the monument network.

Communication with speakers

The speakers represent the alliance to the public. You communicate with the public, with the press, with interested parties and alliance members. All information converges at the speakers; they are the central hub in the monument network.

Contact the office

Bavarian National Association for Homeland Care

The office of the Bavarian State Association for Homeland Care, which is itself a member of the alliance, serves as the office of the monument network.

Stephanie Heyl takes care of all matters relating to the monument network.

Tasks and perspectives

The architectural and cultural monuments of Bavaria require “effective lobbying” by all actors in the field of monument protection, local politics and state politics. That is why the Bavarian Monument Network has set itself the following main tasks, as the description of the use of the Internet platform shows:


The diverse citizens' initiatives should be present in the network and a lot of information from the field of monument preservation, monument protection and current events in the political area of ​​monument protection that takes place within the municipality, the district and the Free State of Bavaria should be offered.


The citizens' initiatives should be able to present themselves and present their projects and concerns. The link to your website is combined with a short and concise description.


Citizens' initiatives and their members should have the opportunity to establish relationships with one another on this website, to present their concerns and to post successes and failures online. In this way, more intensive communication with one another and thus successful “lobbying” for the preservation of the monuments in Bavaria should be possible.

Stable organization and flexibility

In order to always be able to react to the challenges of the time, the monument network should be stable in its organizational form and yet remain flexible. It sees itself as a dynamic organization that will continue to develop.


On October 28, 2013, the German National Committee for Monument Protection (DNK) awarded the website of the Bavarian Monument Network with the German Award for Monument Protection (Internet Award).

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Portal Monument Law . monument network Bavaria. Retrieved February 18, 2019.
  2. 15 points for better monument preservation in Bavaria

Web links