Thinking workshop of the Monday Foundations

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The thinking workshop of the Montag Foundations is a non-profit foundation named after Carl Richard Montag and based in the Bonn district of Gronau . The foundation was established in 2012 and belongs to the group of Montag foundations . The board of directors is Karl-Heinz Imhäuser.


The group of Montag foundations includes:

The Montag Stiftungen think tank is an institution of the Carl Richard Montag Foundation, which supports and advises them. She is the source of ideas and impulses. The foundation works independently within the framework of its statutory requirements. The long-term financing is guaranteed by the Carl Richard Montag Förderstiftung, which, as a partner in the real estate company of the founder, pursues the founder’s ideal mandate.

Goals and work areas

The thinking workshop of the Montag foundations is intended to preserve the ethical basic attitude of the founder and thus provide the foundation group with an orientation framework for their actions. Accordingly, the tasks of the think tank are primarily geared strategically towards the development of the foundation. As part of this assignment, the Denkwerkstatt is responsible for internal and external communication, press and public relations as well as for events and network maintenance.

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