Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism

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The Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (German: Ministry for Resources, Energy and Tourism ) was from 2007 to 2013 a Ministry of the Commonwealth of Australia with headquarters in Canberra .

Organizational structure

The Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism is divided into the authorities Geoscience Australia , National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority , Tourism Australia and Australian Solar Institute .


This ministry was responsible for national energy policy and the mineral and energy industries (including oil , gas and electricity production ).

It monitored the national energy market and energy efficiency, the export of uranium , rough diamonds and thorium, as well as the national nuclear waste storage and disposal of products made from petroleum. It organized the exploration of the deposits and the generation of energy with regard to the necessary scientific investigation and the development of the technological equipment. The geological surveys and information included geodesy , mapping and marking coordination, and development of land information on remote Australian areas. It maintained contacts with international energy organizations and was supposed to develop strategies for the introduction of renewable energies.

Individual evidence

  1. Portfolio ( Memento from June 2, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 423 kB).