Starý Bydžov depot

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The Starý Bydžov depot (also known as the Starý Bydžov hoard ) is a depot from the Early Bronze Age Aunjetitz culture from Starý Bydžov in Královéhradecký kraj , Czech Republic . It dates between 2000 and 1800 BC. The depot is now in the Nový Bydžov Museum .

Find history

The depot was discovered on March 15, 1893 north-west of Starý Bydžov while creating a drainage ditch. It was about 1 m deep just above the floor of a 112 cm deep pit that was filled with ash, earth, charcoal, ceramic shards and animal bones.


The depot was placed in a ceramic vessel that was broken when the find was recovered and the shards of which were not picked up. It contained 33 bronze objects : a ridge hatchet , three rowing needles , a bar arm ring, 20 wire rings and eight disc pendants. There are also two decorative discs (Faleren) made of sheet copper . The ax has a curved edge and a flat, rounded neck. The needles have thinly chased heads that end in rolled up rolls. The heads of two examples are recently damaged, one of which has the head and base broken apart in prehistoric times. The arm ring has tapered buffer ends. Two of the wire rings are made of single wire and 18 are made of double wire. The pendants are four pairs. They have a wire wrapping around their neck. One pair is an amateur copy of the other specimens. One of the decorative discs is round and has a cone in the middle and two opposing rivets. The second is tongue-shaped and also has two rivets. Remnants of a pad have been preserved on the underside.


  • Martin Bartelheim : Studies on the Bohemian Aunjetitzer culture. Chronological and chorological investigations (= university research on prehistoric archeology. Vol. 46). Habelt, Bonn 1998, ISBN 3-7749-2867-3 (also: Berlin, Freie Universität, dissertation, 1998), p. 279.
  • Václav Moucha : Hoards from the early Bronze Age in Bohemia. Archeologický ústav AV ČR, Prague 2005, ISBN 80-86124-57-6 , pp. 157-158 ( online ).
  • Tilmann Vachta : Bronze Age hoards and their sites in Bohemia (= Berlin studies of the ancient world. Volume 33). Edition Topoi, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-9816751-2-2 , p. 244 ( online ).

Coordinates: 50 ° 15 ′ 37.2 "  N , 15 ° 25 ′ 50.2"  E