The amok complex or the school of killing

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In The Amok Complex or the School of Killing Ines Geipel analyzes five examples of rampages from 1996 to 2011: Port Arthur , Erfurt , Emsdetten , Winnenden , Utøya . The subtitle The School of Killing indicates what has not been so clear up to now: the perpetrators learn from each other. The Internet is the ideal means of communication for the perpetrators.


The book is a comprehensive research of the deeds with previously unpublished material. Geipel tries not to judge and does not pursue a psychological explanation. Subjective attempts at explanation on their part are clearly perceptible and are intended to encourage the reader to think further, to reflect.

The crimes are described in detail: how the gunman planned, which route the gunman took, how do the police and emergency services react, how are victims and relatives dealt with, what have perpetrators, emergency services, politics and our society learned from these situations. Even if all acts converge under the name "rampage", there are differences within the process, the external circumstances, the intentions, etc. Ines Geipel goes into these differences between the five acts:

Port Arthur

Port Arthur ( Tasmania ) forms the basis of the rampage she investigated: The focus is clearly on learning from previous rampages, especially the one in Dunblane (1996) . The Port Arthur perpetrator, a social outsider since childhood, takes this massacre as a model.


The rampage in Erfurt : here too, learning is a central motive. However, in a new dimension, namely that of the Columbine rampage (1999) . Erfurt stands for a brutal recognition of the fact that these acts can also take place in Germany, on our doorstep. The excessive demands of all those involved become evident: family, school, police, etc. Geipel dissects the crime and goes into the process. The protocol of the police radio from Erfurt is terrifying: confused, incredulous, inexperienced, disorganized. The tactic here was: wait and see. In the subsequent discussions and working groups, this tactic was changed: Instead of waiting, the police should go into the affected building immediately ("flood").


During the rampage in Emsdetten , the focus is increasingly on computer games and the Internet, on a virtual world . As the investigation later shows: the perpetrator tries to communicate via the Internet and announces his act. Bullying in school , the social environment, play a crucial role.


The family and the social environment of the perpetrator in Winnenden also play a major role . Geipel draws attention to the contrast between failure and winners. The arms discussion is gaining in importance: How can more sensible and better control be carried out and what should be prohibited? It quickly becomes clear: the fronts between the gun lobby , politics, sport shooters, gun enthusiasts and society have hardened, an agreement seems unthinkable. An action alliance emerged from the rampage in Winnenden, which strives to prevent violence in schools and specifically tries to prevent rampages.


With a final look at the rampage in Utøya in 2011 , Geipel goes into the changed environment, for example with regard to the proportion of the foreign population and politics, and the dissatisfaction with the opening of the country. The perpetrator's motive seems to be political. Another difference to the other rampages: the perpetrator survived.


Ines Geipel is not afraid to address difficult topics critically: the discussions about weapons, computer games, protection of minors on the Internet, etc. There is no answer to what a potential gunman looks like. But there are repetitive elements: problems at school, bullying , the perpetrators were loners and social outsiders, lived in apparently intact families, had parents who only wanted the best for their children but did not see them as personalities of their own. The book raises more questions than it answers. What remains: many empty promises on the part of politicians with regard to weapons, better support for schools (social workers) and questions: How problematic can pressure to perform from parents, friends, school, society, and yourself? What does society learn from these rampages? How important are these acts? How great is our shared responsibility?

At the end there is the realization: the perpetrators are not monsters .

See also


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