The architect Iossif Karakis

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The architect Iossif Karakis is a documentary- biographical monograph written by Oleg Junakow , which is dedicated to the architect Iossif Yulievich Karakis and was published in 2016 by the Almas publishing house.

The monograph was recommended for publication by the Presidium of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture. Soon after its publication, it received a lively response from readers and became the subject of discussions in literary and architectural circles, both in Ukraine and in other countries.

History of origin

The biography of Iossif Karakis was planned for the architect's 110th birthday, but could not appear until his 115th birthday. The author of the book, Oleg Junakov, also created the layout. Irma Karakis, candidate for architecture , acted as scientific consultant and lecturer .

The monograph was published by Almas in New York at the end of 2016 and printed in Kiev (Ukraine).

While working on the book, Junakov visited the cities where Karakis worked and interviewed his friends and colleagues, e. B. the writer Aleksandr Kanewskij and the architect Aleksandr Rappoport in Toronto . In Tashkent he attended school no. 110, which was built according to Karakis' project. In Chicago he met Mikhail Budilovsky, who had signed the famous "Letter of the Thirteen". In Cologne he spoke to Aleksandr Kijanowskij, who had taken part in the reconstruction of the officers' house in Engels . In New York he found Aron Bleiweiß and Grigorij Kaluschner and corresponded with Pawel Wigderhaus from Donetsk . He also managed to find the grave of Iossif Karakis's father in Uzbekistan, the exact location of which his family had not known.

The publication of the book met with a strong response because the work of Iossif Karakis, who was one of the most important architects in Ukraine, has so far been little researched. There was interest in it long before it was published.

The publication of the book was advertised in the press several times. For example, the monograph was mentioned in the literature review in Ukraine and Russia, z. B. in the magazine Antiquar and in the newspaper Segodnja. It was the topic of radio and television and was used by various cultural institutions (e.g. the Tver Literature Center), the magazine Salon u. a.) Recommended for reading.

After the book was published in 2016, several presentations were held in Kiev: on November 13 at the Kiev Club, on November 15 at the Central State Academic Library of Construction and Architecture of V. I. Sabolotnyj, on November 17 in the Scholem Alejchem Museum and on November 19 in the Subbota u begemota club of the National Library of Ukraine “Yaroslav the Wise”. On June 6, 2017, a presentation was held at the Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture.

Book Description

Nikolaj Djomin, People's Architect of Ukraine, Doctor of Architecture and Professor
Gary Berkowitsch, Architectural Candidate (AIA, NCARB)

The book contains over 1,100 illustrations, which with a few exceptions were published for the first time. Critics emphasize and a. the good polygraphic execution of the book, the high quality of the paper and the modern design. The intent is designed in the form of a color collage, which shows the most important buildings Karakis' in Kiev, well known to every city dweller.

The monograph is designed in the form of an illustrated book, which is explained by the numerous illustrations, which include photos from the architect's archive, watercolors, archive documents and photos of various buildings and projects. These illustrations, especially watercolors and landscapes, give the book a lyrical note in the opinion of J. Golubowskij. All explanations, additions, illustrations and footnotes are almost always on a double page. The material is arranged chronologically.

The edition contains unique materials that were previously only accessible in the architect's family archive. According to critics, the book will be of interest to readers of various social classes and ages, professions, and even political views.

Many reviewers point out the enormous number of references and footnotes.


The book is divided into four main parts with detailed subsections:

  • Iossif Karakis. His personality and his era. Memories and impressions of his friends and colleagues: NM Djomin, WW Tschepelik, MP Budilowskij and I. L Degen
  • Life and work. A step-by-step description of his life and work. A systematization of numerous projects, documents and photos of buildings.
  • Positive and negative reviews of his work.
  • Karakis' artistic legacy: selected publications, the most important completed projects, architectural works, unrealized plans, unpublished works, chronicles of the 90th anniversary of Iossif Karakis, etc. a.
  • attachment
  • List of pictures and names

The book describes not only the work of the builder, but also various stages of his hard fate. The edition gives 628 sources of information about Iossif Karakis.


Several television shows were made after this book:

  1. «Києвотека. Київські портрети. Останній з київських грандів. Иосиф Каракіс » (Kiev portraits. The last of the Kiev grandees. Iossif Karakis). The program was first broadcast on February 18, 2017 at 8:00 p.m. on the Ukrainian central channel, then on April 2, 2017, at 6:20 p.m. on the Kultur channel.
  2. «Останній з київських грандів. Иосиф Каракіс » . The premiere took place on March 17, 2017 in the Ukrainian central channel at 2:20 p.m. (затем повтор 9 апреля в 23:20).
  3. Various materials from the book were also used in the program "ТОП Міста - Каракіс" on the ТРК МІС channel.


The book received mostly positive reviews. Critics mainly emphasize the impartiality of the author, the good systematization, the large number of sources of information and photos, and new materials. In the monograph, for example, little or no known facts and documents were published to the general public, which show new, quite interesting aspects of well-known buildings.

Literary criticism

Anatoly Konchakovsky
Mikhail Kalnitsky
Sergei Karatopw

The first review of the monograph was an extensive article by Yevgeny Golubovsky in the newspaper Vzemirnyje Odesskije Novosti. In addition to a detailed description of the book, Golubowskij et al. a. that the section "Prize contests for the memorial complex in Babi Yar (Kiev) " was one of the most dramatic in his opinion. He also mentioned that he personally knew Yuri Asseev, one of the “righteous people of Babiy Yar” (honorary title given to people who saved Jews from Nazi extermination during World War II), whom Oleg Junakov had quoted several times. In Golubovsky's opinion, the story of the struggle to preserve the memory of the Babiy Yar tragedy has been described in great detail. In the end, he described the book as "very remarkable".

Stanislaw Zalik said that a good architect must be lucky twice: first with the development of his talent and then with the biographer. Iossif Karakis was lucky with the biographer, who succeeded in what only a few succeed. Zalik not only mentioned the tremendous work the author did in collecting the material. In addition, Junakov found the only correct working method, which consists in distancing himself from the main character of the book and from what is happening, as well as in an objective, non-party spelling. Although he sympathized with Iossif Karakis, he adhered to strict neutrality, did not force the reader's opinion, but let him draw his own conclusions. He only departed from the principle of neutrality once when he refuted the undeserved allegations against the architect, who had already died, which he did, however, soberly and factually, based on objective facts. The comparison of old photos of buildings with those of today as well as special, very informative texts in the form of detailed comments on the photos and the enormous number of sources that confirm the thoroughness of the author's work were rated positively. Zalik wrote that it would be interesting to find out who lived in the houses built by Karakis. He also referred to some of the author's discoveries, facts that historians have overlooked, such as the collaboration between Karakis and A. Gorskaya. He finally responded positively to the information about Karakis's participation in the competition for the best project of a memorial complex in Babiy Yar. In the end, Zalik expressed his enthusiasm for the “great book”.

The newspaper of the KNUSA (Kiev National University of Architecture and Construction), where Karakis had worked for several decades, published a number of reviews of the monograph. Mikhail Kalnitsky wrote: “This work deserves the highest appreciation. The book is well known, it contains a lot of new things ”. Anatoly Konchakowskij said that the book aroused great interest among members of the Kiev club of bibliophiles “Subbota u Begemota”.

Sergej Karatow is of the opinion that the monograph could definitely be included in the book series “The Lives of Outstanding Personalities”, especially since it contains numerous documents and information in contrast to the typical books in this series, which have no scientific apparatus. The critic emphasized the impartiality of the author, who had researched the material published in the edition and also based on the opinions of other architects as well as on archival documents and over 500 publications. He commented on the objectivity and impartiality of Junakov and said that such an approach is particularly important today, under rather complicated conditions in Ukraine. Karatov analyzed the monograph and advised readers to read the book. The fate of Iossif Karakis impressed him so deeply that he dedicated a poem to it.

The literary critic Tatiana Kajssarowa agreed with Karatov that Junakov's faithfulness to the facts and meticulous accuracy when collecting real materials was its characteristic, but that the book was accessible and interesting even for the unprepared reader. She was also positive about the numerous memories of contemporaries of the architect. The biographical material from Sections 5 - Appendix - and 2.1. - Early years - in their opinion it should be used in an extra monograph. Kayssarowa found the illustrated book format the most suitable and believed that such meticulous research, devoted to the life and work of outstanding cultural workers and their legacy, could save modern culture from dissolving into nothing.

In Sergei Arutjunov's opinion, the book represents well-founded research that shows the fate of an artist and is secured against biased criticism by numerous materials from the family archive. He emphasized that the monograph differs from many similar books on architects in an important peculiarity: "It gives a profound and clear answer to the question of which elements are fundamental in the biography of an outstanding master builder".

Nikolaj Podossokorskij wrote that this book is a well-thought-out and tastefully executed literary and architectural monument with an extensive scientific apparatus, a detailed bibliography, all possible tables, registers, documents, an appendix, etc. Ä. act. One could say that the edition is a true hymn to architecture, sung with love for the research object. Such books have always been quite expensive and served as an ornament to any house library. At the same time, he said that the author lacks a certain distance from cited memories, which sometimes seem a bit idealized. Podosokorsky wrote that the work on such a fundamental monograph with a thorough study of all possible information about the architect; with trips to the countries where there are Karakis' buildings; inspire respect by studying the relevant literature and interviewing eyewitnesses, colleagues and friends of the architect. He said the book was a work on oneself and a training to develop the ability to open up a universe through a certain topic, and the author succeeded. The book contains quite a few stories from the life of the author himself, which make the narrative about the life and work of Karakis "lifelike and humanistic", and the monograph is easy to read, although it is a whole encyclopedia of one person.

The literary critic Sergei Kasnatschejew wrote in the newspaper Literaturnaja gaseta : “When you get to know this fundamental work, with this great illustrated book, created by Oleg Junakov and his editor and consultant Irma Karakis, the thought occurs: This is an exotic hybrid an encyclopedic edition dedicated to an outstanding personality and a family album. "

Architectural criticism

Professor of Architecture Yevgeny Ass
Professor of Architecture Yuri Bocharov

Architecture candidate Larissa Ruban wrote that the author did a colossal job. He not only had valuable material from the family archive of Iossif Karakis, but was also able to analyze and structure it thoroughly. The book is not only pleasant to look at, it is also easy to read and interesting - that was the critic's first impression. She was also positive about the chronological structure of the book, which is most suitable for such editions. The material is varied and supplemented by documents with detailed comments. The book contains numerous memories from contemporaries of the architect as well as his unrealized building designs and unpublished thoughts. Each time period is shown in a logically clear manner. the critic also wrote of the high value of personal comments from Iossif Karakis, which were quoted in the book, and said that the project materials were a real gift for architecture students, that they were of great historical-educational importance. The critic was particularly impressed by the course "Bridges and hydrotechnical systems" by Iossif Karakis described in the monograph. She described the book as “a true archive treasure that has now finally been recovered” and the “potential of the historical and architectural material presented in the book” is colossal. Larissa Ruban said that the book was not only doomed to success, it was a breeding ground for popularizing the architect's artistic legacy.

The member of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture, Galina Vojzechowskaja said that the scientific community knows that it is quite a difficult task to research the life and work of artists and cultural workers, since often colleagues who can confirm or disprove this or that fact, are no longer alive and personal archives are no longer preserved. In this case, the documentary material is preserved thanks to the descendants and like-minded people of Karakis. In her opinion, a particularly important factor in preparing the book for printing was that it had been edited by the architect's daughter and that it had been reviewed by three architects. Vojzechovskaya also pointed to the thoroughness of the author in collecting the material.

Andrei Putschkow wrote that Oleg Junakov had done a great job with his monograph dedicated to Iossif Karakis. The book is extremely interesting in terms of the material and the masterful writing.

Yevgeny Rejzen said that this book should not simply be read, but also studied - especially by architects, engineers and scientists who strive to fathom the truth of the origins and development of architecture, especially in the Ukraine, in Kiev, where the great architect Iossif Karakis crossed the threshold of eternity. He even wrote an acrostic to mark the publication of the monograph. The architect Vera Rajko (1925–2017) also dedicated a poem to the book.

Yevgeny Ass commented on the book as follows: “The author has lovingly collected a huge amount of material, has done immense work on its systematization and has written a great biographical book, through which the name and the work of a great master was torn from oblivion. "

The reviewers pointed out that the author published a lot of extraordinarily important and interesting materials, organically combining two topics: Karakis' architectural work and his life as a citizen, family man, and educator. Botscharow and Merschanow expressed their opinion that such a concept should undoubtedly arouse keen interest among readers, but at the same time regretted that it is sometimes difficult to find the necessary illustration for the corresponding section of text because of the overabundance of material. Some documents should be presented on a larger scale. They also wrote: "The archival documents generously represented in the monograph make it possible to view them not only as a chapter in the history of the architecture of Soviet Ukraine, but also as an extremely important source of information about the epoch as a whole in all its manifestations." The critics are believed the book would be of interest to readers of various social classes and ages, professions, and even political views.


In Germany the book is available in the following libraries:

  • Bamberg : University Library Bamberg
  • Berlin : State Library in Berlin
  • Hanover : Technical Information Library
  • Heidelberg : Heidelberg University Library
  • Munich : Bavarian State Library Munich
  • Passau : University of Passau Library

Individual evidence

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  56. Bamberg University Library
  57. Berlin State Library
  58. Technical information library
  59. ^ Heidelberg University Library
  60. ^ Bavarian State Library, Munich
  61. ^ University of Passau Library