The boy needs some fresh air - my childhood and me

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The boy needs some fresh air - My childhood and I is the autobiography of the entertainer Hape Kerkeling . In addition to his professional experiences, the book, which was published in October 2014, mainly includes his childhood.

Content and reception

In 19 chapters, Kerkeling tells of his first memories, his childhood years, the dramatic loss of his mother through suicide as well as experiences as a presenter of On the Road in World History and as the fictional character Horst Schlämmer , who is supposed to please a seriously ill girl.

The book was filmed by UFA in 2017/18 under the title Der Junge muss auf die fresh air ; Caroline Link directed. The film was released in theaters in December 2018.

In 2014, the audio book version won the LovelyBooks Readers Award .

Book edition

  • Hape Kerkeling: The boy has to get some fresh air - my childhood and me. Piper Verlag, Munich 2014, ISBN 978-3-492-05700-4 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The boy has to get some fresh air: UFA filmed Hape Kerkeling's childhood ,, September 21, 2015
  2. Jokes against mother's depression: Great Kerkeling film: “The boy has to get some fresh air” ,, December 23, 2018