The treasure in Silbersee (Elspe 1977)

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Title: The treasure in Silbersee
Genus: Outdoor play
Original language: German
Author: Jochen Bludau
Literary source: Karl May : The treasure in the Silbersee
Publishing year: 1977
Place of premiere: Elspe
Place and time of the action: Northwest Colorado , 1867
Director of the premiere Harald Reinl
  • Pierre Brice : Winnetou
  • Jochen Bludau: Old Shatterhand
  • Peter Hüttemeister: Brinkley
  • Meinolf Pape: Big Wolf
  • Rudi Plugge: Sam Hawkens
  • Heinrich Greve: Hobble-Frank
  • Christiane Gött: Ellen Patterson
  • Wolfgang Kirchhoff: Patterson
  • Maria Bludau: Mother Grant
  • Heinz Grotthoff: Pepe
  • Josef Klein: McKennon
  • Thomas Hesse: Fred Bergmann
  • Norbert Hüttemeister: Father Bergmann
  • Gertrud Plugge: Mother Bergmann
  • Günter Hennrichs: Woodward
  • Georg Berghoff: Knox
  • Rolf Schauerte: Miller
  • Ulrich Schmitz: Hilton
  • Franz-Josef Schneider: Ryan, stagecoach

The treasure in Silbersee is an open-air play based on the motifs of the story of the same name by Karl May by Jochen Bludau . It waspremieredin Elspe in1977.


1st scene

Colorado 1867. The land of the Indians . The land of the settlers . It was peaceful in Sheridan, the small railroad workers' camp on the Colorado River , until August 4th, 1867, when this peaceful coexistence was to change fundamentally.

2nd scene

The tramps ride up - Brinkley, Knox, Hilton and two others. Two horses are manned twice, so that it is clear that the tramps are missing two horses. They want to steal dynamite from the construction train that is coming through to get to the treasure in Silbersee. Because of the horses they shoot two Indians and two eyewitnesses: settlers who stopped with their boy in the covered wagon. They want to kill the boy too, but they don't get to it and disappear when Indians appear.

3rd scene

Utahs ride up and ask the boy what happened. Big Wolf takes him and the dead into his village in a covered wagon.

4th scene

Normal village life in Sheridan. Ellen greets the railroad workers coming home in the saloon . Sam Hawkens wants to be a trapper again when his rail scouting job is done. The rafters have to wait for their beer because Pepe fell with the filled beer mugs.

5th scene

The tramps ride into Sheridan. Sam greets Brinkley and questions him. Brinkley tells about the silver vein they are looking for. Patterson refuses to give out maps showing the way to the Silver Lake. Brinkley pushes brandy and beer aside and moves away with the tramps. Sam has become suspicious. Patterson tells Sam about his promise to the Indians: route construction yes, map distribution no.

6th scene

The tramps stop on the way. Brinkley secretly wants to get the engineer's maps. He sends one of his people out. The boy in the Utahs must be eliminated. And they also want to rob the train with the dynamite ... A lot of work!

7th scene

Sam interferes with the railroad workers' poker game. Old Shatterhand rides up. He is greeted with hello. Mother Grant imagined it was bigger and wider. He has an appointment with Winnetou . Sam talks about his job as a scout. Shatterhand sees trouble looming with the tramps. He meets Patterson and Ellen and asks for a room. Sam hears Woodward on the porch and shoots him down.

8th scene

The tramps are coming back. Brinkley and the boys drink brandy. Brinkley asks Patterson about the route to Silver Lake. He learns that Woodward doesn't have the card because Sam shot him from the balcony. Now violence is needed, but he wants to wait until his people come from Denver by carriage .

9th scene

The carriage is coming. Hobble Frank is the last to get out. Brinkley promises great wealth to the arriving tramps. McKennon offers his suspenders again. The driver takes two letters from Mother Grant. The carriage drives off again.

10th scene

Brinkley reports that Patterson does not want to hand out the ticket to Silver Lake. The tramps are outraged and want to hang Patterson. Winnetou is suddenly there and shoots the rope with his silver rifle. The exchange of words is about the map to the Silbersee. The tramps overwhelm Winnetou. Old Shatterhand appears. There is a big fight in which Winnetou and Old Shatterhand win. The tramps are disappearing. Shatterhand and Winnetou report on their experiences and adventures. Winnetou wants to go to the Utahs so that they don't dig up the hatchet against all pale faces. Shatterhand: "It's always the same: a few cause mischief and many innocent people suffer." He wants to follow the tramps. Sam and Frank will keep the people in Sheridan safe.

11th scene

In the Indian camp, the corpses of the Indians are taken from the horses. Fred knows the killers. Big Wolf reports on the agreements with the whites. But they were followed by people who did not keep the agreements. Winnetou appears and warns the chief not to dig up the hatchet against all pale faces. Big Wolf gives in, he takes Fred under his protection and sets off with his warriors, following the tramps.

12th scene

When the warriors are gone, Brinkley, Knox and Hilton search the Indian village for the boy. Women and children who stand in their way are shot. Indians flee. You can't find Fred. The warriors are coming back ...

13th scene

They find the dead women and children. The refugees are returning. Big Wolf: "Women and children of the Utahs had to die for a child of pale faces!" His son is among the dead children. He spares Fred, but describes Winnetou as the culprit who has led him on the wrong track. He wants all pale faces to die on the torture stake . He wants to razor Sheridan to the ground.

14th scene

In Sheridan, the railroad workers have just returned from the track. You want a drink. McKennan offers his goods again. Old Shatterhand appears and reports the imminent attack by the tramps. They're targeting the dynamite on the train for now. He has a plan: He wants to smoke them out in the tunnel.

15th scene

The tramps return to the village. You can hear the signal from the railway. The train is coming. Brinkley pulls out his gun. Everyone goes to the wall with their hands raised without resistance. The tramps jump on the dynamite cart. Shatterhand drives the train into the tunnel and comes out of the smoke first. One by one, the tramps are tied up by the villagers. The train drives up again and is loaded. The shackled tramps are pushed onto the Denver train. Brinkley shows up. He took Ellen hostage. He blackmailed the card and some sticks of dynamite. He does not free his cronies.

16th scene

Nader brings Shatterhand's horse. Hit by an Indian arrow, he collapses. The Utahs raid the village. Shatterhand and Big Wolf face each other. Indians come with the captured Winnetou. The fight stops. Old Shatterhand escapes.

17th scene

Old Shatterhand reappears. He can hide. The pursuing Indians appear but cannot find him. All ride away.

18th scene

The tramps and Ellen ride with them. Brinkley studies the map and points the way to Silver Lake.

19th scene

Torture stakes are erected in the Utah village and prisoners are tied to them. Big Wolf gives a speech and describes Winnetou as a traitor. Winnetou wants to explain himself, but is not heard. A shot is fired: Old Shatterhand answers. He demonstrates the firing power of his weapon. Winnetou can now explain itself. Old Shatterhand adds its assessment of the location. Only the Great Assembly can release the chief from the oath once given. The consultation results: A judgment from God should decide. Winnetou and Frank compete against two Utahs. Frank wins against the Utah warrior Jumping Deer by ruse. Winnetou defeats the chief Big Wolf. They smoke the calumet together . All follow Old Shatterhand, who has ridden ahead to the Silver Lake. Fred is taken into care by mother Grant.

20th scene

On the way to the Silbersee, Ellen manages to escape the tramps for a moment; but it will be caught up again soon. Break. Map study. A rider approaches ... Woodward and Brooks are supposed to shoot the rider from an ambush. The others move away.

21st scene

Old Shatterhand is coming. Woodward shoots him. The supposedly shot man attacks him and wins. Both villains flee and are shot by the Utahs advancing with Winnetou. Winnetou sends Old Shatterhand and Big Wolf to Silver Lake. He himself chooses a secret path. So, separated and yet united, they want to confront Brinkley and free Ellen.

22nd scene

Brinkley, Knox and Hilton arrive at Silver Lake with Ellen. Brinkley finds the entrance to the underground passage. The entrance to the treasure cave further up is blocked by a boulder that will have to be blown up later. Now it goes up through the tunnel ...

23rd scene

When the tramps are in the tunnel, Shatterhand, Big Wolf and the Utahs ride up. Big Wolf tells of the secret of the treasure in the Silver Lake. Brinkley appears in front of the cave with Ellen. He finds the entrance with the help of the card. He shoots Knox and Hilton, whom he no longer needs, puts the dynamite on the boulder and lights the fuse. Fred jumps out of cover and points to his parents' murderer. Winnetou fights with Brinkley, Ellen can get to safety. Shatterhand warns Winnetou that Brinkley will fall into the lake with the boulder in the explosion. Big Wolf: “The death of the Utahs is avenged. The Silver Lake devoured the white killer. "Patterson:" There's enough silver here for all of us. We just need water power from the lake and people of course. ”Everyone is looking forward to the future. Winnetou and Old Shatterhand say goodbye.

Text book

  • Jochen Bludau : The treasure in the Silbersee. Open-air play based on motifs by Karl May , Hamburg: sales office and publishing house for German stage writers and stage composers, no year [approx. 1970].


  • Jochen Bludau , Fred Aurich: Elspe - Germany's Wild West. Hohenloher, 1981.
  • Klaus Bröking: 40 years of Elspe. Wild West made in Germany. Heel, Königswinter 2004. ISBN 3-89880-300-7
  • Jutta Laroche: Jubilee mood in Elspe. The first Karl May Festival took place in the Sauerland 50 years ago. A review. In: Karl May & Co. No. 112/2008.

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