The car

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The car. Contributions to culture and society

description Lübeck homeland yearbook
founder Paul Brockhaus
Frequency of publication every two years
ISSN (print)

The car. Lübeck Contributions to Culture and Society is a collective publication with original contributions that appears every two years. The publication is edited by Manfred Eickhölter on behalf of the Society for the Promotion of Charitable Activities in Lübeck.

The car usually contains a selection from the lectures that were given in the non-profit organization in the past two years as part of the so-called Tuesday lectures, which have been held by the society since 1789. On the other hand, Der Wagen publishes original research articles penned by journalists and scientists, and it contains articles by artists.

The history of the publication Der Wagen

The car was founded by the Lübeck high school teacher Professor Paul Brockhaus (1879–1965), who was also an editor in connection with the Society for the Promotion of Charitable Activities from 1919–1965. The organ of publication emerged from a committee against dirt and trash , which was founded in 1908 in the Lübeck non-profit society. In 1918 the committee changed its name to a committee for the promotion of folk art . Initially, a Lübeck home calendar was published annually from 1918 for the years 1919 to 1923 , in 1924 and 1925 the calendar was given the name Ein Lübeckisches Jahrbuch , in 1927 the name Der Wagen, which was valid until 2002 . A Lübeck yearbook introduced. As early as the mid-1960s, the frequency of publication changed from annually to biennially.

In the early years, the yearbook was committed to the life reform movement and the idea of ​​homeland protection , especially monument protection . The yearbook promoted regional artists by publishing their works, preferring a moderate expressionism . In the 1930 and 1940s, Der Wagen acknowledged the goals of the Hitler state, the term folk art was narrowed to German national folk art and offered space in particular to artists who professed their support for the Nazi state. Paul Brockhaus, as an artist lyricist, felt connected to the Eutin group of poets and published texts from this provenance until around 1960. A personal continuity between 1933 and 1960 is characteristic of the car.

From 1919 to 1943/44 , Der Wagen was associated with the Lübeck artist Asmus Jessen , who, like Paul Brockhaus, belonged to the reform college of the OzD under its director Sebald Schwarz . In 2002 Klaus Karstedt developed a completely new design for the car . Since then, the collective publication has been called: The Car. Lübeck contributions to culture and society.

After the death of Paul Brockhaus, Rolf Saltzwedel was his successor as editor for more than 30 years. Alken Bruns released the car from 2002 to 2006. Manfred Eickhölter has been the editor since 2008. Another change in design took place on the occasion of the 225th birthday of the non-profit organization in 2014.


  • Georg Behrens: 25 years of the “Lübeckisches Jahrbuch” . In: The car. 1956, pp. 5-9.
  • Rolf Saltzwedel: Paul Brockhaus. In: The car. 1967, pp. 7-14.
  • Manfred Eickhölter: From the city-state to the exhibited city. Culture of remembrance between marginalization and transformation . In: Jan Lokers, Michael Hundt (ed.): The end of the independent Lübeck state in 1937 . Schmidt-Römhild, Lübeck 2014, ISBN 978-3-7905-0493-4 , pp. 147-161. [Lübeck's future in the National Socialist Reich: the concept of the car from 1936].
  • Regine Ley: The city chronicler . As editor of the Lübeck yearbook Der Wagen , Dr. Manfred Eickhölter the cultural life of his city, in: Lübecker Nachrichten, 29./30. January 2017, Local / Heimat.

Web links

Commons : The Dare  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files