The big renunciation

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Title: The big renunciation
Genus: tragedy
Original language: German
Author: Reinhold Schneider
Publishing year: 1950
Premiere: July 18, 1958
Place of premiere: Bregenz Festival
Place and time of the action: Italy , Germany and France towards the end of the 13th century .
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The big renunciation is the title of a drama by Reinhold Schneider .

The poet published the first version of it in 1950 and submitted it to the International Dramatists' Competition of the Bregenz Festival in 1957 . It won first prize out of 478 entries. The premiere took place on July 18, 1958 by the Burgtheater Vienna at the opening of the festival. Director was Professor Josef Gielen ; it worked with Ewald Balser as Celestine V , Ernst Deutsch as Boniface VIII and Hermann Thimig as the hermit Ambrosius.

The drama is about the resignation of Pope Cölestin V in 1294. In order not to be tempted by secular rulers to place earthly power above Christian faith, he renounces his office.


  • Reinhold Schneider: The big sacrifice. Stories. Drama (Collected Works, Vol. 3, edited by Edwin Maria Landau ), Insel Verlag , Frankfurt am Main 1978.


  1. See also: Reinhold Schneider: Winter in Wien . Herder-Verlag, Freiburg 1958.