Deroceras praecox

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Deroceras praecox
Deroceras praecox

Deroceras praecox

Order : Lung snails (pulmonata)
Subordination : Land snails (Stylommatophora)
Superfamily : Limacoidea
Family : Field slugs (Agriolimacidae)
Genre : Deroceras
Type : Deroceras praecox
Scientific name
Deroceras praecox
Wiktor , 1966

Deroceras praecox is a species of slug from the family of the field slugs (Agriolimacidae), which belongs to the subordination of the land snails (Stylommatophora).


The animals are medium-sized, about 3.5 to 4 cm long when stretched out. The coat covers roughly the front half of the body. A weak keel is formed on the back behind the mantle, which protrudes more clearly towards the tail end. The color is white and unmarked or with a few large, dark red spots that appear in heap on the back and coat. The head and antennae are often brown or lightly spotted. The sole is light brown.

Way of life, occurrence and distribution

The species lives in moist deciduous forests , preferably beech forests, on plants or on moss. It is rare and its occurrences are very limited. The distribution area is limited to southern Poland and the Czech Republic . However, the distribution has so far only been insufficiently investigated, because previously the species was not differentiated from Deroceras reticulatum ( wied field snail ), so that this species could possibly still be hidden under some occurrences of Deroceras reticulatum .


The species Deroceras praecox was only described in 1966 and differentiated from the net field snail ( Deroceras reticulatum ). The common field snail ( Deroceras agreste ) is also very similar in appearance. Both species differ significantly in the anatomy of the sexual organs and the mating behavior of Deroceras praecox . A closely related species is Deroceras rodnae Grossu & Lupu, 1965, which differs little anatomically from Deroceras praecox . However, the distribution areas of both species are almost mutually exclusive. Some authors place Deroceras praecox in the subgenus Deroceras (Plathystimulus) Wiktor, 1973, while other authors place it in the subgenus Deroceras (Malino) Gray, 1855.

Individual evidence

  1. Kerney et al., P. 196
  2. ^ Molluscs of Central Europe


  • Michael P. Kerney, RAD Cameron & Jürgen H. Jungbluth: The land snails of Northern and Central Europe. 384 pp., Paul Parey, Hamburg & Berlin 1983 ISBN 3-490-17918-8

Web links

Commons : Deroceras praecox  - collection of images, videos and audio files