Des Lacs River

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Des Lacs River
Riviere des Lacs, Rivière des Lacs
Des Lacs River 10 km above the estuary, in the background the US Highways 2 and 52 meet

Des Lacs River 10 km above the estuary, in the background the US Highways 2 and 52 meet

Water code US1028667
location Saskatchewan ( Canada ),
North Dakota (USA)
River system Nelson River
Drain over Souris River  → Assiniboine River  → Red River of the North  → Nelson River  → Hudson Bay
Headwaters 4 km north of the US border
49 ° 2 ′ 14 "  N , 102 ° 21 ′ 42"  W
Source height approx.  560  m
muzzle Souris River Coordinates: 48 ° 16 ′ 48 "  N , 101 ° 25 ′ 8"  W 48 ° 16 ′ 48 "  N , 101 ° 25 ′ 8"  W
Mouth height 475  m
Height difference approx. 85 m
Bottom slope approx. 0.5 ‰
length approx. 170 km
Catchment area 2432 km² near Foxholm, 25 km above the mouth
Discharge at Foxholm
A Eo gauge : 1396 km².
Location: 25 km above the mouth
MQ 1946/2017
Mq 1946/2017
940 l / s
0.7 l / (s km²)
Reservoirs flowed through Upper Des Lacs Lake,
Middle Des Lacs Lake,
Lower Des Lacs Lake
Small towns Burlington , Donnybrook , Kenmare
Communities Carpio , Foxholm

The Des Lacs River (in Canada: Riviere des Lacs ) is a 170 km long right tributary of the Souris River in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan and in the US state of North Dakota .

River course

The river has its source in southeast Saskatchewan, 4 km north of the US border at an altitude of about 560  m . It initially flows 7 km in an easterly direction and flows into the upper end of the 47 km long Upper Des Lacs Lake , the upper 4.5 km of which are in Canada. The Des Lacs National Wildlife Refuge extends along the reservoir. Below Upper Des Lacs Lake , the Des Lacs River flows 2.6 km to the top of the 3.5 km long Middle Des Lacs Lake . The small town of Kenmare is located on the east bank . After another 3.4 km the river reaches the 4.5 km long Lower Des Lacs Lake . The Des Lacs River flows southeast for the lower 90 km. It shows a strongly meandering behavior with numerous river bends and oxbow lakes . It passes the towns of Donnybrook , Carpio and Foxholm , before flowing into the Souris River at Burlington , 10 km northwest of Minot . The US Highway 52 follows 20 kilometers south of the US border to the river to its mouth.


At the gauge at Foxholm, 25 km above the mouth, the catchment area covers 2432 km². The effective catchment area at this point is only 1396 km². The annual outflows fluctuate strongly. The mean discharge is 0.94 m³ / s.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Des Lacs River in the Geographic Names Information System of the United States Geological Survey
  2. a b c d e USGS 05116500 DES LACS RIVER AT FOXHOLM, ND