Designated conservation techniques

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House roofs covered with thatch ( kayabuki ) in the prefecture of Kyoto

Designated Conservation Techniques ( Japanese 選定 保存 技術 , Sentei Hozon Gijutsu ) refers to all traditional techniques and skills necessary for the preservation of Japanese cultural goods and the necessary measures. For this purpose, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology appoints individuals or organizations who have such traditional (art) craft techniques or skills. The appointment procedure required for this is based on the statutory provisions of the 1975 revised Cultural Property Protection Act . In addition, all individuals and organizations are supported who contribute to the protection of these conservation techniques, to the improvement of these techniques, to training through transmission and transmission or to the documentation of the techniques. The preselection of techniques and advice to the minister are the responsibility of the head of the Office for Cultural Affairs with a team of five. Currently (as of January 2015) 73 conservation techniques are recognized by 51 individuals and 27 organizations as carriers (5 of which are shared).

List of designated conservation techniques

For material cultural goods

The list below includes 43 techniques. If more than one carrier is specified, dates that differ from the date of the nomination of the technique are given in superscripts for the appointment of the carrier of a technique.

technology Remarks Carrier / owner of
the technology
Appointment date image
Manufacture of roof shingles ( 屋 根 瓦 製作 (鬼 師) , yane kawara seisaku (onishi) ) Onigawara Akio Kobayashi (* 1921) 1988 Onigawara.jpg
Kiku-jutsu technique: drawing blueprints for modern wooden buildings ( 規矩 術 (近世 規矩) , kiku-jutsu (kinsei-kiku) ) Takeo Mochida (* 1931) 1993
Kiku-jutsu technique: drawing construction plans for old wooden buildings ( 規矩 術 (古 式 規矩) , kiku-jutsu (koshiki-kiku) ) used since the 12th century Takeo Mochida (* 1931) 1991
Forging metal fittings ( 金 具 鍛冶 , kanagu kaji ) Mayoshio Yokoya (* 1931) 2002 Japanese metal fittings Rokuyou.svg
Production of paper wallpaper with gold embossing ( 金 唐 紙 製作 , kinkarakami seisaku ) used in homes that Western-style from the Meiji to the Showa period were built Takashi Ueda (* 1934) 2005
Manufacture of metal fittings for windows and doors ( Shōji ) ( 建 具 製作 , tategu seisaku ) for Shōji , Fusuma , Aamado Tadashi Suzuki (born 1936) 1999 Farsari house interior.jpg
Production of architectural models ( 建造 物 模型 製作 , kenzōbutsu mokei seisaku ) Yushuhiro Wada (* 1932) 1999 Kairyuoji2.jpg
Armor restoration ( 甲冑 修理 , katchū shūri ) Masami Ozawa (* 1953) 1998 Samurai with sword.jpg
Wall plaster (according to the traditional Kyōto style) ( 左 官 (古 式 京 壁) , sakan (koshiki kyō-kabe) ) Haruo Satō (* 1924) 2001 Wall of Kyoto Imperial Palace.jpg
Wall plaster made of mortar ( 左 官 (漆 喰 塗) , sakan (shikkuinuri) ) the plaster is made up of glue, brine, clay and fiber Isokichi Okui (* 1919) 1998
Restoration of lacquerware ( 漆工 品 修理 , shikkōhin shūri ) Ken'ichi Kitamura (* 1938) 1994 Makie-enlargement.jpg
Manufacture and restoration of decorative and ancient metal fittings ( 上代 飾 金 具 製作 修理 , jōdai kazari kanagu seisaku shūri ) for Mikoshi , small Buddhist altars ( 厨子 , zushi ) etc. Sōtaro Kanae (* 1908) 1977 O-mikoshi 197152337 a863c9050e o.jpg
Tatami production ( 畳 製作 , tatami seisaku ) Yūzō Nakamura 1929 Men Making Tatami Mats, 1860 - ca.1900.jpg
Roof covering with slate stone ( 石 盤 葺 , sekibanbuki ) Shunpei Sasaki 2005
Making bamboo nails ( 竹 釘 製作 , takekugi seisaku ) Yoshiharu Ishizuka (* 1922) 1998
Manufacture of cast goods ( 鋳 物 製作 , imono seisaku ) Shūichi Otani (* 1933) 1999
Making Karakami paper ( 唐 紙 製作 , karakami seisaku ) Chinese style decorated paper, e.g. for Fusuma Kenkichi Senda (* 1942) 1999
Manufacture of containers made of paulowine wood for handicraft objects ( 美術 工 芸 品 保存 桐 箱 製作 , bijutsu kōgeihin hozon kiribako seisaku ) Yūichi Maeda (* 1927) 1980
Production of old fabric covers with gold brocade for covering ( 表 具 用 古代 裂 (金 襴 等) 製作 , hyōgu-yō kodai-gire (kinran tō) seisaku ) for kakemono , tea caddies etc. Toshio Hirose 2007
Brushes ( 表 具 用 刷毛 製作 , hyōguyō hage seisaku ) used to apply water or glue to fabrics for cleaning or restoration Kazuki Nishimura 1958
Manufacture of handmade Japanese paper (Udagami) for sliding doors ( 表 具 用手 漉 和 紙 (宇 陀 紙) 製作 , hyōguyō tesuki washi (udagami) seisaku ) Hiroyuki Hukunishi (* 1930) 1978
Manufacture of handmade Japanese paper (Misugami) ( 表 具 用手 漉 和 紙 (美 栖 紙) 製作 , hyōguyō tesuki washi (misugami) seisaku ) 2009
Manufacture of handmade Japanese paper (Hoshū) ( 表 具 用手 漉 和 紙 (補修 紙) 製作 , hyōguyō tesuki washi (hoshūshi) seisaku ) Eikan Ebuchi 2007
Production of whipped brushes ( 表 具 用 打 刷毛 製作 , hyōguyō uchibake seisaku ) for mounting fabrics, e.g. in bookbinding Genjirō Hujii (* 1920) 1998
Manufacture of metal fittings for windows and doors ( 表 装 建 具 製作 , hyōsō tategu seisaku ) Mitsuo Takada and Mitsuo Yamaguchi 1995 Fujinraijin-tawaraya.jpg
Dyeing with natural indigo ( 本 藍 染 , hon aizome ) Yoshio Mori (* 1941) 1996 Indian indigo dye lump.jpg
Woodwork restoration ( 木工 品 修理 , mokkohin shūri ) Hiroshi Sakurai (* 1950) 1997
Extraction of the bark of the Hinoki cypress ( 檜 皮 採取 , hiwada saishiki ) Yutaka Ono (* 1934) 1999 Kyoto Toji Hiwadabuki C0990.jpg
Manufacture of metal jewelry ( 錺 金 具 製作 , kazari kanagu seisaku ) used for building Yasunosuke Morimoto (* 1928) 1998 Nikko Toshogu Yomeimon M3247.jpg
Roof covering with Hongawarabuki shingles ( 屋 根 瓦 葺 (本 瓦 葺) , yanegawarabuki (hongawarabuki) ) Combination of concave roof tiles ( 平 瓦 , hiragawara ) with cylindrical tiles ( 丸 瓦 , marugawara ) on the abutting edges. Kiyokazu Yamamoto (* 1932) and Mitsuo Teramoto (* 1946) 1994 Byodoin-Phoenix-M1234.jpg
Roof covering with thatch ( 茅 葺 , kayabuki ) Ryōzō Sumida (* 1926) and National Organization for the Preservation of Roofing Techniques for Temples and Shrines ( 全国 社 寺 等 屋 根 工事 技術 保存 会 ) 1980 Shikokumura07s3200.jpg
Carpentry for wooden structures ( 建造 物 木工 , kenzōbutsu mokkō ) Shōji Matsuura (* 1929), Society for the Preservation of Traditional Japanese Building Techniques ( 日本 伝 統 建築 技術 保存 会 ) and Society for Conservation Techniques for Buildings as Cultural Assets ( 文化 財 建造 物 保存 技術 協会 ) 1976 Sumitsubo.jpg
Roof covering with shingles made from the bark of the Hinoki cypress ( 檜 皮 葺 ・ 柿 葺 , hiwada-buki / kokera-buki ) Yasuo Ōnishi (* 1925) and National Organization for the Preservation of Roofing Techniques for Temples and Shrines 1976 Hogonji00bs3872.jpg
Painting of buildings ( 建造 物 彩色 , kenzōbutsu saishiki ) Society for the preservation of cultural goods (temples and shrines) in Nikkō ( 日光 社 寺 文化 財 保存 会 ) 1979 20100727 Nikko Tosho-gu Yomeimon 5934.jpg
Building restoration ( 建造 物 修理 , kenzōbutsu shūri ) Society for conservation techniques for buildings as a cultural asset 1976 Osaka Castle under reconstruction.JPG
Building decoration ( 建造 物 装飾 , kenzōbutsu sōshoku ) Society for the Art of Temples and Shrines ( 社 寺 建造 物 美術 協議 会 ) 2007 Karamon Gate Side 2 Details.jpg
Wall plaster ( 左 官 (日本 壁) , sakan (nihon kabe) ) Nihon kabe, Japanese wall , describes a wall plaster made of sand, clay, diatomite and straw National Society for the Preservation of Techniques for the Walls of Cultural Property ( 全国 文化 財 壁 技術 保存 会 ) 2002
Manufacturing and restoration of fixed stages ( 祭 屋 台 等 製作 修理 , matsuri yataitō seisaku shūri ) Society of artisans for the manufacture and restoration of fixed stages ( 祭 屋 台 等 製作 修理 技術 者 会 ) 2002 屋 台 三 木 市 岩 壺 神社 PA080068.JPG
Restoration techniques for traditional frames ( 装 こ う 修理 技術 , sōkō shūri gijutsu ) Association of Frame Manufacturers for the Restoration of National Treasures ( 国宝 修理 装 こ う 師 連 盟 ) 1995
Ukiyo-e wood printing techniques ( 浮世 絵 木 版画 技術 , ukiyo-e mokuhanga gijutsu ) Society for the preservation of woodcut techniques for ukiyo-e ( 浮世 絵 木 版画 彫 摺 技術 保存 協会 ) 1978 Ukiyo-e dsc04679.jpg
Conservation techniques for the Steinwall cultural asset ( 文化 財 石 垣 保存 技術 , bunkazai ishigaki hozon gijutsu ) Society for Conservation Techniques for the Steinwall Cultural Property ( 文化 財 石 垣 保存 技術 協議 会 ) 2009 Imperial Palace Tokyo Stone Wall near Kikyo mon.JPG
Conservation techniques for the landscape garden cultural asset ( 文化 財 庭園 保存 技術 , bunkazai teien hozon gijutsu ) the company of the same name 2002
Restoration of wood carvings ( 木造 彫刻 修理 , mokuzō chōkoku-shūri ) Bijutsu-in ( 美術 院 , art academy ) 1976 Sanjusangendo Raijin.jpg

For intangible cultural assets

The list includes 30 techniques. If more than one carrier is specified, dates that differ from the date of the nomination of the technique are given in superscripts for the appointment of the carrier of a technique.

technology Remarks Carrier / owner of
the technology
year image
Production of Ubai stain ( 烏梅 製造 , ubai seizō ) Basic material for dyeing fabrics in carmine red Yoshohisa Nakanishi 2011
Hairstyles for the Kabuki Theater ( 歌舞 伎 床 山 , kabuki tokoyama ) Toshikazu Kamoji (* 1938) 2003 Eiko Hayashi, Nihon Buyô - danse du Kabuki (Musée Guimet) III.jpg
Manufacture and restoration of wind instruments for the Gagaku ( 雅 楽 管 楽 器 製作 修理 , gagaku kangakki seisaku shūri ) Takumi Yawata (real name: Takemasa Yakata) and Zen'ichi Yamada (* 1934) 1976 Yunghocchiku.jpg
Manufacture of steel for swords ( 玉 鋼 製造 (た た ら 吹 き) , tamahagane seizō (tatara-buki) ) Tamahagane Akira Kihara (* 1935) and Katsuhiko Watanabe (* 1939) 1977
Hairstyles for the traditional arts scene Okinawa ( 結髪(沖縄伝統芸能) , keppatsu (Okinawa Dento geinō) ) Norio Konami (real name: Sukenori Kohagura) 2008
Making charcoal ( 研 炭 製造 , togizumi seizō ) used for polishing handicraft lacquer and metal goods Asatarō Higashi (* 1921) 1994
Manufacture of brushes for embedding sheet metals (gold and silver) in lacquer painting (Maki-e) ( 蒔 絵 筆 製作 , makie fude seisaku ) Shigeyuki Murata (* 1915) 1987
Manufacture of brushes for lacquer painting ( 漆刷 毛 製作 , urushi bake seisaku ) Seiji Izumi (* 1950) 1998
Manufacture of devices for lacquer extraction ( 漆 掻 き 用具 製作 , urushi kakiyōgu seisaku ) Tools for scratching the bark of the lacquer tree Fumitoshi Nakahata (* 1943) 1995 Urushi01.jpg
Manufacture of Yoshino filter paper for lacquer ( 漆 濾紙 (吉野 紙) 製作 , urushi koshigami (Yoshino gami) seisaku ) Takao Konbu (* 1951) 1999
Production of looms ( 手機 製作 , tebata seisaku ) Taneichi Nishimura (* 1937) and Yoshimasa Ōshiro 2003
Production of arasō as a raw material for textiles ( 粗 苧 製造 , arasō seizō ) Masakado Yahata (* 1938) 2003
Manufacture and restoration of small hand drums ( Kotsuzumi ) for the theater ( 能 楽 小鼓 (胴 ・ 革) 製作 修理 , nōgaku kotsuzumi dōkawa seisaku shūri ) in particular the sound box and the drum cover Satoyuki Suzuki (* 1936) 1995 Japanese small hand drum, kotsudumi, katori-city, japan.JPG
Production of large hand drums (Ōtsuzumi) for the theater ( 能 楽 大鼓 (革) 製作 , nōgaku ōtsuzumi kawa seisaku ) especially the cover of the drum Yukihiko Kimura (* 1929) 1976
Production and restoration of Biwa lutes ( 琵琶 製作 修理 , biwa seisaku shūri ) Fushiki Ishida IV (real name: Katsuo Ishida) 2006 Byodoin bosatsu 2.jpg
Making wigs for bunraku dolls ( 文 楽 人形 鬘 ・ 床 山 , bunraku ningyō katsura - tokoyama ) Shōji Nagoshi (* 1930) 2002 Bunraku doll in national theater Osaka 1.JPG
Manufacture of shuttle boats ( 杼 製作 , hi seisaku ) Jun'ichi Hasegawa (* 1933) 1999
Production of Ryūkyū Indigo ( 琉球 藍 製造 , Ryūkyū ai seizō ) Seishō Inoha (* 1927) and Society for the Preservation of Manufacturing Techniques for Ryūkyū Indigo ( 琉球 藍 製造 技術 保存 会 ) 1977
Production of Chinese grass ( か ら む し (苧麻) 生産 ・ 苧 引 き , karamushi (choma) seisan - obiki ) Society for the preservation of production techniques for Shōwa-mura Chinese grass 1991
Production of Awa Indigo ( 阿波 藍 製造 , Awa ai seizō ) organization of the same name for the preservation of technology 1978
Production and restoration of costumes for the Kabuki theater ( 歌舞 伎 衣裳 製作 修理 , kabuki ishō seisaku shūri ) organization of the same name for the preservation of technology 2002 Kabuki.png
Production of stage equipment for Kabuki stages ( 歌舞 伎 小 道具 製作 , kabuki kodōgu seisaku ) organization of the same name for the preservation of technology 1996
Production of backdrops for Kabuki stages ( 歌舞 伎 大 道具 (背景 画) 製作 , kabuki ōdōgu (haikeiga) seisaku ) organization of the same name for the preservation of technology 2002
Manufacture of steel for Japanese swords ( 歌舞 伎 大 道具 (背景 画) 製作 , tamahagane seizō ) Tamahagane organization of the same name for the preservation of technology 1977 Tamahagane.jpg
Production of tools for Japanese paper made from Hanseatic paper ( 手 漉 和 紙 用具 製作 , tesuki washi yōgu seisaku ) organization of the same name for the preservation of technology 1976
Production of natural dyes ( safflower and stone seeds ) ( 植物 染料 (紅 ・ 紫 根) 生産 ・ 製造 , shokubutsu senryō (behi - shikon) seisan - seizō ) Japanese Folk Crafts Preservation Society ( 日本 民族 工 芸 技術 保存 協会 ) 1979 Safflower.jpg
Manufacture and restoration of costumes and equipment for group dance (Kumi Odori) ( 組 踊 道具 ・ 衣裳 製作 修理 , kumiodori dōgu - ishō seisaku shūri ) organization of the same name for the preservation of technology 2009
Spinning yarn from Chinese grass ( 苧麻 糸 手 績 み , choma ito teumi ) Miyako Society for the Conservation of Hand-Spun Chinese Grass 2003
Manufacture and refinement of Japanese lacquer ( 日本 産 漆 生産 ・ 精製 , Nihon san urushi seisan - seisei ) Society for the Japanese cultural asset paint ( 日本 文化 財 漆 協会 ) and Japanese society for the preservation of techniques for paint production ( 日本 う る し 掻 き 技術 保存 会 ) 1976 Lacquer in liquid form, mixed with water and turpentine.jpg
Production of strings for Japanese musical instruments ( 邦 楽 器 原 糸 製造 , hotsugakki genshi seizō ) Japanese Musical Instrument Strings Conservation Company Kinomoto ( 木 之 本 町 邦 楽 器 原 糸 製造 保存 会 ) 1991

Web links


  1. What is meant is the preservation of material cultural assets . The skills required for this, however, are an intangible cultural asset.
  2. 2004 appointed as the bearer of conservation technology.
  3. ↑ In the detailed information on the person, the database states 1977 as the year of appointment, in contrast to the information on technology.
  4. 2004 appointed carrier of technology.
  5. 1996 appointed carrier of technology.
  6. 2003 appointed carrier of technology.
  7. 2002 appointed carrier of technology.
  8. 1999 appointed carrier of technology.
  9. ↑ In 2009 appointed carrier of technology.
  10. 2001 appointed carrier of technology.
  11. 2004 appointed carrier of technology.
  12. 1999 appointed carrier of technology.
  13. 1986 appointed carrier of technology.
  14. 2002 appointed carrier of technology.
  15. 2010 appointed carrier of technology.
  16. 2008 appointed carrier of technology.
  17. 2002 appointed carrier of technology.
  18. 1996 appointed carrier of technology.

Individual evidence

  1. 選定 保存 技術 . (No longer available online.) Office for Cultural Affairs , archived from the original February 13, 2013 ; Retrieved January 18, 2015 (Japanese). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Japanese cultural assets of the Bunka-chō : select the entry 選定 保存 技術 in the search mask 文化 財 分類
  3. 屋 根 瓦 製作 (鬼 師) . Office for Cultural Affairs , accessed January 28, 2015 .
  4. Onigawara. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed January 28, 2015 .
  5. 規矩 術 (近世 規矩) . Office for Cultural Affairs , accessed January 28, 2015 .
  6. Kiku. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed January 28, 2015 .
  7. 規矩 術 (古 式 規矩) . Office for Cultural Affairs , accessed January 28, 2015 .
  8. 金 具 鍛冶 . Office for Cultural Affairs , accessed January 28, 2015 .
  9. Kanagu. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed January 28, 2015 .
  10. 金 唐 紙 製作 . Office for Cultural Affairs , accessed January 28, 2015 .
  11. Kinkarakami. Takashi Ueda, accessed January 28, 2015 .
  12. Kinkarakawa. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  13. 建 具 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  14. a b Tategu. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  15. 建造 物 模型 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  16. 甲冑 修理 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  17. 左 官 (古 式 京 壁) . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  18. 左 官 (漆 喰 塗) . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  19. Clay walls. Omotesenke, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  20. 漆工 品 修理 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  21. Yagihashi, Shin: Urushi: Proceedings of the Urushi Study Group, 1985, Tokyo . Ed .: Bromelle, NS; Smith, Perry. 1988, ISBN 0-89236-096-8 , The Preservation and Handing Down of Traditional Urushi Art Techniques in Japan, pp. 85 f .
  22. 上代 飾 金 具 製作 修理 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  23. 畳 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  24. 石 盤 葺 . Office for Cultural Affairs , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese, Illustrated.).
  25. 竹 釘 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  26. Takekugi. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  27. 鋳 物 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  28. 唐 紙 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  29. Karakami. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  30. 美術 工 芸 品 保存 桐 箱 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  31. 表 具 用 古代 裂 (金 襴 等) 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  32. Hyougu. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  33. Kinran. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  34. Koyano, Masako: Japanese Scroll Paintings: A Handbook of Mounting Techniques . Ed .: American Institute for Conservation. 1979, ISBN 978-0-933098-01-5 .
  35. 表 具 用 刷毛 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  36. Hook. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  37. 表 具 用手 漉 和 紙 (宇 陀 紙) 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  38. 表 具 用手 漉 和 紙 (美 栖 紙) 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  39. 表 具 用手 漉 和 紙 (補修 紙) 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  40. 表 具 用 打 刷毛 製作 . Office for Cultural Affairs , accessed January 28, 2015 .
  41. 表 装 建 具 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  42. Hyousou. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  43. 本 藍 染 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  44. 木工 品 修理 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  45. 檜 皮 採取 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  46. 錺 金 具 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  47. Kazarikanagu. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  48. 屋 根 瓦 葺 (本 瓦 葺) . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  49. Hongawarabuki. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  50. 茅 葺 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  51. Kayabuki. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  52. 建造 物 木工 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  53. 檜 皮 葺 ・ 柿 葺 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  54. Hiwadabuki. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  55. Kokerabuki. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  56. 建造 物 彩色 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  57. 建造 物 修理 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  58. 建造 物 装飾 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  59. 左 官 (日本 壁) . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  60. 祭 屋 台 等 製作 修理 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  61. Dashi. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  62. 装 こ う 修理 技術 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  63. 浮世 絵 木 版画 技術 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  64. 文化 財 石 垣 保存 技術 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  65. Ishigaki. JAANUS - Japanese Architecture and Art Net Users System, accessed on January 28, 2015 .
  66. 文化 財 庭園 保存 技術 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  67. 木造 彫刻 修理 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  68. 烏梅 製造 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  69. 歌舞 伎 床 山 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  70. 雅 楽 管 楽 器 製作 修理 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  71. 玉 鋼 製造 (た た ら 吹 き) . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  72. 結 髪 (沖 縄 伝 統 芸 能) . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  73. 研 炭 製造 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  74. 蒔 絵 筆 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  75. 漆刷 毛 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  76. 漆 掻 き 用具 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  77. 漆 濾紙 (吉野 紙) 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  78. 手機 製作 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
  79. 粗 苧 製造 . Cultural Affairs Office , accessed January 28, 2015 (Japanese).
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