German Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen Society

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The German Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen Society e. V. (in short: Raiffeisen-Gesellschaft) wants to further promote and rediscover the cooperative idea. It is reminiscent of Raiffeisen's visionary life's work and fills his ideas with new life. In addition, the Raiffeisen Society is dedicated to maintaining the Raiffeisen memorials in Hamm (Sieg) and Flammersfeld .

The German UNESCO Commission included the cooperative idea in the nationwide register of intangible cultural heritage in 2014. At the same time, the cooperative idea became the first German nomination for the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of UNESCO selected and included by UNESCO in the list on 30 November 2016th The Raiffeisen-Gesellschaft was the initiator of the Raiffeisen year 2018 on the occasion of the 200th birthday of the founder of the cooperative.


The Raiffeisen Society was founded in the International Year of the United Nations Cooperatives on June 1, 2012 in the Raiffeisen meeting center in Weyerbusch . All of the founding members were united by the desire to link and better coordinate the various activities for the maintenance and preservation of cooperative values ​​- both material and immaterial - in the home region of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen. In addition, the company would like to carry the ideas and concepts of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen beyond the region and emphasize their importance in the present.

Purpose of the statutes

According to the articles of association, the society is dedicated to “maintaining and appreciating the life's work of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen and his intellectual legacy inherited in writings and speeches”, “promoting the cooperative concept based on it in Germany” and dealing with the cooperative system. Scientific lecture events, conferences and workshops as well as regular publications serve this purpose - all of this also in cooperation with the existing institutions of the cooperative system. In addition, the company is dedicated to maintaining the Raiffeisen memorials in Hamm and Flammersfeld.


Program and strategy

The Board of Management of the Raiffeisen-Gesellschaft has set itself three goals for its term of office:

  • The permanent involvement of young people - attracting young people to cooperative issues and concerns. For this reason, the Raiffeisen-Gesellschaft awards a sponsorship award for young people.
  • Cooperation with science and research - providing evidence of the superiority of the cooperative idea. This includes the assignment of scientific work to the cooperative values.
  • The expansion of the cooperative network - this also includes increased cooperation with the German Hermann Schulze Delitzsch Society .


Ceremony on the 125th anniversary of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen's death

On Tuesday, May 7, 2013, the Raiffeisen Society held a ceremony in the Academy of German Cooperatives at Montabaur Castle on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen's death. The speech was given by the President of the Bundestag Norbert Lammert . Around 200 guests from the cooperative as well as from politics and business took part in the ceremony.

Historic Raiffeisenstrasse

In 2014, the Raiffeisen-Gesellschaft invested around 10,000 euros in the purchase of new street signs for the historical Raiffeisenstrasse from Hamm (Sieg) to Neuwied . The historic Raiffeisenstrasse has been part of the tourist infrastructure in the Westerwald region since 1984. It traces the professional stages and the work of Raiffeisen during his tenure as mayor in Weyerbusch , Flammersfeld and today's Neuwied district of Heddesdorf . Based on the usual tourist motorway signs and a number of relevant federal and state criteria, the signs appear on the sign in a brown basic color with a Raiffeisen portrait and his life data (1818 to 1888).

Intangible cultural heritage

The German Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen Society e. V. and the German Hermann Schulze Delitzsch Society e. V. (Schulze-Delitzsch-Gesellschaft for short) applied in 2013 jointly and across national borders for the inclusion of the "cooperative idea" in the nationwide directory of intangible cultural heritage . On December 12, 2014, the Expert Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage at the German UNESCO Commission announced that the “cooperative idea” would be included in the nationwide list of intangible cultural heritage in the first round of selection: “The cultural form of the cooperative brings civic engagement in social and economic areas and cultural area beyond private and state economic forms. The cooperative idea is proving to be very dynamic and influential and opens up new opportunities for less privileged sections of the population to participate in society. It takes up fundamental principles of the cultural self-image of human community and transfers them into economic practice. The cooperative idea contributes to overcoming social challenges and is continually adapted to modern conditions through creative changes. "

The cooperative idea was also selected as the first German nomination for the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. As part of the award event for inclusion in the nationwide directory, the application documents for inclusion in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity were handed over to the representative of the Federal Foreign Office. On November 30, 2016, at the 11th Session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangable Cultural Heritage, the cooperative idea was included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity as the first German application.

Raiffeisen year 2018

The Raiffeisen Society was the initiator of the anniversary year on the occasion of the 200th birthday of Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen , in order to remember his ideas and to provide a stage for Raiffeisen's descendants in politics, business and society. More than 22 million people in Germany and even over 1 billion people worldwide are now members of a cooperative. You work in small, local teams as well as in international companies. The aim of the Raiffeisen Year 2018 was also to unite these people under one roof, to pool their strengths and to show the cooperative as a model of the future.

Raiffeisen Camp

Around 85 young employees from cooperatives from all over Germany gained new perspectives on the world of cooperatively managed companies on the weekend of September 21-23, 2018. At the first Raiffeisen Camp, they met top representatives from politics and the cooperative world. The future of Raiffeisen's ideas was the focus of the discussions. The youngsters also made contact with one another.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. DZ BANK AG: Management Board - Raiffeisen Society - Deutsche Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen-Gesellschaft eV Accessed November 29, 2018 .
  2. UNESCO press release . 27 cultural forms included in the German directory of intangible cultural heritage. Retrieved April 2, 2015.
  3. ^ Description of the cooperative idea . Retrieved April 2, 2015.
  4. UNESCO press release . Awarding 27 forms of culture as intangible cultural heritage in Germany. Retrieved April 2, 2015.
  5. International day of cooperatives in the Raiffeisen year 2018 . In: . ( [accessed on November 29, 2018]).