German Society for Finance

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The German Society for Finance aims to promote financial research , the exchange between science and practice, as well as maintaining international relationships in the field of finance . This goal can be achieved through the organization of conferences, workshops, the issuing of publications, etc. Ä. Be pursued. The association has its seat in Karlsruhe.


In the summer of 1986 Wolfgang Bühler, Herbert Hax and Reinhart Schmidt took the initiative to apply to the German Research Foundation (DFG) with a larger group of colleagues for a research focus area "Empirical Capital Market Research". This project was supported by 35 professors. In 1988, the DFG approved three projects to set up the share, bond and balance sheet database and in 1989 a further 18 research projects within the framework of the priority program, which bundled financial research in Germany in a way that had never been seen before.


Despite the large number of participants, the multi-day colloquia of the focus, in 1990 in Nordkirchen, later in Günzburg, Kronberg and Osnabrück, developed into such lively and stimulating forums for the presentation and discussion of financial research results between the project staff, the project leaders and the DFG reviewers that the urgent desire arose to create a permanent institution for an exchange of ideas about new financial research results. Because it was foreseeable that most of the project staff would soon switch to practice, this institution should be open to everyone who researches or has done research in a field of finance , regardless of whether they work in practice or in the university sector.

Founding members

With this in mind, Hermann Göppl brought up the plan of a German financial company, which was widely approved on October 9, 1993 during the 7th colloquium in Osnabrück. Thanks to his preparatory work, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Finanzwirtschaft was founded on November 26, 1993 at the Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechselbank in Munich. The founding members were Wolfgang Bühler , Günter Franke, Günter Gebhardt, Wolfgang Gerke , Hermann Göppl, Thomas Hartmann-Wendels, Walter Krämer , Hans Peter Möller, Sigrid Müller, Hartmut Schmidt , Reinhart Schmidt, Siegfried Trautmann, Martin Weber , Josef F. Wertschulte and Jochen Wilhelm .

Board members

The chairman in 2010 was Christian Schlag (Frankfurt / M.), The current chairman is Frank Schuhmacher (Leipzig).

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