German University for National Politics

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The German University for National Politics , also: National Political University , founded as a political college for national-political training and education work, was a college in Berlin-Spandau that emerged from the June Club . It existed from 1920 to around 1926.


The initiative for the college came from members of the conservative June club in November 1920 . It saw itself as competition to the just opened German University of Politics , which was more liberal . Heinrich von Gleichen-Rußwurm and Eduard Stadtler were the main contributors financially and conceptually . Further donors were Alfred Hugenberg and Albert Vögler . Teaching began in the spring of 1921. The historian Martin Spahn took over the management.

The subjects of the college were agricultural policy , foreign policy , trade unions and parties, cultural policy , the state constitution and the study of the economic crisis . The leading representatives of the June Club, such as von Gleichen-Rußwurm, Moeller van den Bruck and Max Hildebert Boehm , were active as teachers . The guest lecturers also came from this group, for example the later Chancellor Heinrich Brüning . the college was not limited to students, but was also open to other groups of people. Trained teachers, members of the military and writers as well as merchants and farmers also learned in the college.

The teaching did not proceed harmoniously. The incipient conflicts in the June club itself also impaired teaching. The dependence on donations from the industry also led to open conflicts between young conservative and conservative teachers. German- socialist positions in particular led to less willingness to donate. Up until his illness in 1924, it was mainly van den Bruck who held the college together. With the dissolution of the June Club, the college also lost its influence. Von Gleichen-Rußwurm founded the German men's club , which represented rather old, conservative positions. Boehm left in 1926 and instead founded the Institute for Border and Foreign Studies .


Teaching at the German University for National Politics only existed for a few years. The lack of unity of the June club also impaired teaching and accordingly led to a fragmentation of the young conservative camp. Nevertheless, the university served as a multiplier for the conservative idea and was one of the numerous activities of the June club. Many of the participants in the various courses, but also many teachers, made their careers later in the Third Reich , so the goal of creating a leadership and cadre forge for conservative politics was quite fulfilled.


  • Armin Pfahl-Traughber: "Conservative Revolution" and "New Right". Right-wing intellectuals against the democratic constitutional state . Leske + Budrich, Opladen 1998, ISBN 3-8100-1888-0 , p. 84-86 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Armin Pfahl-Traughber: "Conservative Revolution" and "New Right". Right-wing intellectuals against the democratic constitutional state . Leske + Budrich, Opladen 1998, ISBN 3-8100-1888-0 , p. 84-86 .