German forum for puppet theater and puppetry

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Seat of the German Forum for Puppet Theater and Puppetry in a water tower

The German Forum for Puppet Theater and Puppet Theater eV in Bochum is an institution for promoting the interests of puppet, figure and object theater. It was founded in 1992 as the successor to the German Institute for Puppetry , initiated in 1950 by the publisher Fritz Wortelmann (1902–1976) and closed in 1991 .


The German Forum for Puppet Theater and Puppet Performing Arts eV (dfp) acts as a contact point and information exchange for theaters or individual puppeteers, directors, scenographers and other artists, for museums and universities, associations, journalists or other interested parties from all over the world. The dfp is committed to the art of puppetry in all its forms throughout Germany. In a broader understanding of the term, this includes not only classic puppet theater and acting with figures, puppets or masks, but also object theater , material theater, visual theater, shadow theater or animation.

The most important event of the dfp is the international festival FIDENA ( Puppet Theater of Nations ) which has taken place in Bochum since 1958 . Also in Bochum, the dfp is organizing the competition for the Fritz Wortelmann Prize of the City of Bochum for young professionals and amateur puppet theater. In addition, symposia, working meetings, seminars and workshops are organized in Bochum or with cooperation partners at other locations.

The German Forum for Puppet Theater and Puppetry Art publishes books and, in cooperation with the publishing house “Theater der Zeit”, publishes a specialist magazine: double - magazine for puppet, figure and object theater. Since 2011 the dfp has been operating an internet portal for all German puppet theater.


The facility is located in the Bochum-Weitmar water tower , Hattinger Straße 467, which was built between 1902 and 1903. The upper floors house large tanks, but give the appearance of living spaces with windows. Due to this veiling architecture, today's monument looks like a villa due to its outer facade.

A reference library with specialist books, theater and university publications on the subject as well as a large number of international and German puppet theater magazines is available for interested users. Recordings of productions, photos, festival and theater programs, reviews and other documents from the field of puppet theater are also collected and archived. The documentation center is accessible by arrangement. There is also an annual grant that enables young scientists or artists to do research in Bochum.

Web links

Coordinates: 51 ° 26 ′ 32.1 ″  N , 7 ° 11 ′ 31.8 ″  E