Alessandro Vittoria

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Alessandro Vittoria , painting by Giovanni Battista Moroni

Alessandro Vittoria (* 1525 in Trento ; † May 27, 1608 in Venice ) was an Italian mannerist sculptor and medalist .

Funerary Monument - San Zaccaria


Bust of Ottavio Grimani, Bode Museum in Berlin
San Zaccaria in San Zaccaria Venice

Vittoria was born in Trento and came to Venice in 1543, where he joined Jacopo Sansovino's workshop . Vittoria decorated the buildings of his master. He later competed with Sansovino for commissions for sculptures. He worked for Andrea Palladio in particular in the Villa Barbaro in Maser and renovated parts of the Doge's Palace in 1577 . Vittoria was completely absorbed in Venice's artistic life; he was influenced by Michelangelo and, like his contemporary Giovanni Bologna, practiced a refined form of Mannerism . After Sansovino, Vittoria is considered the greatest Venetian sculptor of the 16th century. He was portrayed by Giovanni Battista Moroni and Paolo Veronese .


  • Ottavio Grimani , around 1576, Berlin, State Museums of Prussian Cultural Heritage
  • St. James , Venice, San Giacomo di Rialto
  • St. Sebastian , around 1600, marble statue, San Salvatore Church in Venice
  • Saint Sebastian , marble statue created between 1561 and 1562 for the Church of San Francesco della Vigna in Venice and cast as a bronze statuette in 1566 and 1575. Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York; Los Angeles County Museum of Art
  • Saint Zachary , marble statue, 1543, San Zaccaria in Venice
  • Caryatids. Venice, entrance to Biblioteca Marciana
  • Statues of Justitia on the arched windows of the west and south facades of the Doge's Palace, Venice.
  • Lady from the Zorzi family , around 1570/80, Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna


  • Leo Planiscig : Venetian Renaissance Sculptors. Schroll, Vienna 1921.
  • Thomas Martin: Alessandro Vittoria and the Portrait Bust in Renaissance Venice. Remodelling Antiquity (= Clarendon Studies in the History of Art. 20). Clarendon Press, Oxford 1998, ISBN 0-19-817417-9 .

Web links

Commons : Alessandro Vittoria  - Collection of Images
  • Vittorio Moschini:  Vittoria, Alessandro. In: Enciclopedie on line. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 1937. Retrieved July 18, 2020.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Leonard Forrer : Vittoria (Vittoria della Volpe), Alessandro. In: Leonard Forrer: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists. Volume 6. Spink & Son Ltd, London 1916, pp. 288-291 .