Devolved Parliament

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Devolved Parliament
Banksy , 2009
280 × 450 cm
Private collection, loan, Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery

Link to the picture
(please note copyrights )

Devolved Parliament ( German  decentralized parliament , also German  backward-looking parliament ) is a painting by the British street artist Banksy from 2009 .


The British House of Commons

The canvas painting shows the British House of Commons , full of chimpanzees . It is nearly 4.5 meters wide and 2.8 meters high.

Origin and classification

Banksy created the work in 2009 for the Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery . Banksy unveiled the picture, which was then still called Question Time , as part of his exhibition “Banksy vs. Bristol Museum ” which attracted over 300,000 visitors.

It is the artist's largest known canvas work.

Provenance and exhibitions

The anonymous owner of the work loaned it to the museum in early 2019 - on the one hand to mark the tenth anniversary of the exhibition in the museum, and on the other to commemorate Britain's originally planned exit from the EU on March 29 . The contemporary art painting was exhibited from September 28th to October 3rd, a few weeks before the (current) Brexit date.

The sale at the Sotheby’s auction house took place on October 3, 2019 ; the auction house expected proceeds of up to 1.7 million euros. The plant achieved sales proceeds of 9.9 million pounds (11.06 million euros ). There was no information about the buyer. After the auction , however, the artist Banksy criticized that works of art should generally be the common property of mankind.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Record sum for "Monkey Parliament". Unknown bought Banksy painting., October 4, 2019
  2. a b c d Chimpanzees in the House of Commons: Banksy painting to be auctioned. In:, accessed on September 19, 2019 .
  3. a b Banksy painting "Devolved Parliament" is auctioned. In: 2019, accessed September 19, 2019 .
  4. Dazed: Banksy's very accurate painting of MPs as chimps is up for auction. In: Dazed, 2019, accessed September 19, 2019 .
  5. Up to € 2.3 million: Banksy's 'Devolved Parliament' full of monkeys is auctioned. In: euronews, 2019, accessed on September 19, 2019 .
  6. Banksy painting achieves a record sum of more than eleven million euros. In: October 3, 2019, accessed October 4, 2019 .
  7. Banksy criticizes auction: "Works of art should be common property" ,, October 4, 2019.