Dickinson Valley

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Dickinson Valley
location Victoria Land , East Antarctica
Mountains Cruzen Range , Transantarctic Mountains
Geographical location 77 ° 19 '20 "  S , 161 ° 26' 25"  E Coordinates: 77 ° 19 '20 "  S , 161 ° 26' 25"  E
Dickinson Valley (Antarctica)
Dickinson Valley

The Dickinson Valley is a 1.9 km long valley in East Antarctica Victoria Land . It is on the west flank of Nickell Peak in the Cruzen Range .

The New Zealand Geographic Board erroneously named the valley in 2005 as the Dickenson Valley after geologist Warren Dickenson, who from 1996 researched the Quaternary geology of the Antarctic dry valleys as head of five campaigns for New Zealand's Victoria University's Antarctic Expeditions . The incorrect spelling was corrected to the current form in 2007.

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