The ancestors of Avalon

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The Ancestors of Avalon (2004, in the original Ancestors of Avalon ) is a fantasy novel by Diana L. Paxson , which Marion Zimmer Bradley's Avalon series continues on her behalf after her death. The book chronologically represents the first part of the series, which ends with Bradley's hit novel The Mists of Avalon .

With this novel, Diana Paxson established the connections between Avalon and the legendary fallen realm of Atlantis , suggested by Bradley .


The entire plot of the book relates to a short passage from the Mists of Avalon in which Igraine sees herself and Uther Pendragon in a previous life where they were both priests of a lost empire.

The very priest couple, Tiriki and Micail (both from Bradley's early book "The Light of Atlantis" (Web of Light / Web of Darkness)) are the main characters in the ancestors of Avalon , whose fate begins with the fall of the sacred sea realm of Atlantis .

In the turmoil of a gigantic volcanic eruption, which heralds the downfall of the island kingdom, the two are separated on the run and arrive on different ships at different points on the coast of Great Britain and for many years learn nothing of the fate of the other.

Tiriki, a priestess of light - and also priestess of the great mother goddess Ni-Terat - comes into contact with the cult of the mother goddess of the locals, which is much more important here than on Atlantis. She and the other remaining priests now work closely with the local high priestess and settle on the holy mountain in the swamps of the summer land.

In the meantime Micail supports - without realizing the danger - an influential Atlantean prince with the construction of a gigantic stone circle ( Stonehenge ), with which the Atlanteans want to subdue the British tribes in a magical way in order to rebuild the lost splendor of Atlantis here. The meeting of the two different settlements of the Atlanteans naturally brings with it conflicts, as some live with the locals and the others want to enslave them. When the power-hungry Atlanteans finally use the stone circle against their peace-loving neighbors, a magical battle ensues, the outcome of which establishes the basis of the Atlantic sanctuary on the island of Avalon.