The billeting in the rectory

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Achim von Arnim

The billeting in the parsonage is a story by Achim von Arnim , which appeared in February 1817 in the newspaper " Der Gesellschafter or Blätter für Geist und Herz ".


During the war , three companies of a Russian regiment move into the village. The colonel is quartered with the evangelical pastor and his young wife . In conversation it turns out that the pastor and colonel had once studied theology in the same place - albeit at different times. The colonel had been evicted and had to learn the trade of war. In the conversation, the colonel praised the self-sacrificing work of the young housewife. The pastor replied that such “habits and principles” had been impressed on his wife by his mother-in-law. The latter, a poor widow, is dying next door. The pastor tells the colonel about the story of his marriage. The colonel, pensive because of Dorothee , the pastor's wife's first name, comes across something surprising in the course of further conversation with the pastor. Before the colonel was evicted, he had made love to Dorothee, the mother of the pastor's wife, who was the mother of the same name, at the place of study mentioned above. The colonel, it turns out, is the pastor's father-in-law. Both enter the dying woman's room. The colonel is late. His lover dies. The colonel identifies himself to the pastor's wife as her father. The woman does not understand, but follows her heart and turns to him with love.


  • In April 1820, CG Schütz and JS Ed wrote in the Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung Halle, The billing in the rectory "is told simply and calmly, but the expectation is very tense."
  • Arnim processed his experiences with billeting and requisitions during the war.


  • Helene M. Kastinger Riley : Achim von Arnim . rowohlt's monographs edited by Kurt Kusenberg . 158 pages. Reinbek near Hamburg in July 1979, ISBN 3-499-50277-1
  • Renate Moering (Ed.): Achim von Arnim. All the stories 1802–1817. Vol. 3, pp. 1342–1357 in: Roswitha Burwick (Ed.), Jürgen Knaack (Ed.), Paul Michael Lützeler (Ed.), Renate Moering (Ed.), Ulfert Ricklefs (Ed.), Hermann F. Weiss (ed.): Achim von Arnim. Works in six volumes. 1398 pages. Deutscher Klassiker Verlag Frankfurt am Main 1990 (1st edition), ISBN 3-618-60030-5

Quoted text edition

  • Achim von Arnim: The billeting in the rectory. A story from the last war . P. 269–279 in Konrad Kratzsch (Ed.): Achim von Arnim: Erzählungen. 635 pages. Aufbau-Verlag Berlin and Weimar 1968 (1st edition)

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Individual evidence

Source means the quoted text edition

  1. Moering, p. 1342
  2. The colonel drives up in a Kibitka (source, p. 270, 7. Zvo) - that is a Russian team - and is accompanied by a clergyman from the Orthodox Church (source, p. 271, 15. Zvo). See also: Moering, p. 1351.
  3. quoted in Moering, p. 1355
  4. Riley, p. 103, 11. Zvo