The F flag

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The F flag

description Military journal
Area of ​​Expertise Leadership support
language German
publishing company Belser ( Germany )
Headquarters Stuttgart
First edition 1925
attitude 1937
ZDB 351066-9

The F-flag was a German military magazine published from 1925 to 1937 . It was a specialist journal for members of the news troops and troop news associations of the Army and the Air Force, as well as the magazine and news journal of the weapons ring of the German news troops. It was published by Belser in Stuttgart .

In the years 1934 to 1937 it contained club news and news sheets of the "Waffenring der Deutschen Nachrichtenentruppe" as a supplement.


Successors to the magazine were (or are considered to be):

1Trade journal for members of the intelligence forces and troop intelligence associations of the Army and the Air Force; Magazine and news paper of the Waffenring of the German news troops; published by Belser in Stuttgart
2Magazine for the news troops and troop news associations of the Army, Air Force and Waffen-SS; Journal for the news of the Organization Todt and the news Hitler Youth; News sheet of the comradeships of the traditional association of news troops
3Magazine for the telecommunications ring e. V.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dataset of the journal Fernmelde-Impulse. In: Journal Database . Retrieved April 4, 2020 .
  2. ^ Dataset of the journal German News Troops. In: Journal Database . Retrieved April 4, 2020 .
  3. ^ Record of the journal. In: Journal Database . Retrieved April 4, 2020 .